FPGA boards often have a tiny 8-legged chip used to store the configuration of the FPGA. It is flash memory, with a few megabytes of memory, that is accessed through a serial protocol. The configuration of the FPGA only takes a few tenth of kilobytes. There is a lot of space we can use to store our own data, and we can even store code there, and directly make FemtoRV32 execute it ! On a board such as the IceStick, that has only 6Kb of RAM available, it is excellent news, because it makes it possible to run much larger programs, and all the RAM is available for our data. However there is a price to pay: it is much slower than the RAM.
Before starting, there is something important to know (that made me bang my head against the wall !). By default, on some devices (e.g., IceBreaker), on FPGA startup, the SPI Flash will go into "Deep Power Down" mode right after the FPGA has loaded its configuration from it. For this reason it will ignore any command you send to it !. There are two ways to wake it up:
- send the wake up command
to it, which is the only one it will respond to in deep power mode (thank you @mecrisp), or - (simpler) use the
option foricepack
that puts a marker in the bitstream indicating that the SPI Flash should stay awake (thank you @at91rm9200). This is the option I'm using (in theBOARDS/xxx.mk
There are four versions (from slowest to fastest). They are implemented in this file.
Version (used command) | cycles per 32-bits read | Specificity |
SPI_FLASH_READ | 64 slow (50 MHz) | Standard |
SPI_FLASH_FAST_READ | 72 fast (100 MHz) | Uses dummy cycles |
SPI_FLASH_FAST_READ_DUAL_IO | 44 fast | Reverts MISO and MOSI |
Let us first see the interface of our SPI flash module:
module MappedSPIFlash(
input wire clk, // system clock
input wire rstrb, // read strobe
input wire [17:0] word_address, // address of the word to be read
output wire [31:0] rdata, // data read
output wire rbusy, // asserted if busy receiving data
// SPI flash pins
output wire CLK, // clock
output reg CS_N, // chip select negated (active low)
output wire MOSI, // master out slave in (data to be sent to flash)
input wire MISO // master in slave out (data received from flash)
It will be mapped in the address space of the FemtoRV32, so we need to have
an interface that fits well with femtosoc memory interface. It will
have a clock clk
, a read strobe rstrb
that goes high each time
we want to read data, and a word_address
that contains the address
of the 32 bits words we want to read. It will appear on rdata
as soon
as rbusy
goes low. Then we got the pins of the SPI Flash memory. It
has a clock CLK
, a chip select CS_N
(active low), a pin for
data going from the processor to the SPI Flash called MOSI
Master Out Slave In), and a pin for data going from the SPI Flash
to the processor, called MISO
(for Master In Slave Out).
Now the SPI protocol is very simple. To read data, one needs to lower
, then send one bit at a time through MOSI
the read command
, then the 24-bits address. Then data will appear on MISO
. Data
is sent and received with the most significant bit first. The raising
edge of CLK
should be right in the middle of the bits. It is a bit
annoying, normally one would need to shift CLK
by half a clock. It
is possible to do so using the DDR
specialized blocks, but then the
design is non-portable (it is different for Ice40 and ECP5 for
instance). However there is a simple solution: we can shift the bits
at the falling edge of clk
! Then the design is very simple, there
will be a shifter for the command and address, and another shifter for
the received data. There could be a state machine, but it is not
necessary: if the number of bits to send is non-zero, we are in the
'sending' state. If the number of bits to receive is non-zero, we are
in the 'receiving' state. And we go from the 'sending' to the
'receiving' state right after sending the last bit !
reg [5:0] snd_bitcount;
reg [31:0] cmd_addr;
reg [5:0] rcv_bitcount;
reg [31:0] rcv_data;
wire sending = (snd_bitcount != 0);
wire receiving = (rcv_bitcount != 0);
wire busy = sending | receiving;
assign rbusy = !CS_N;
assign MOSI = cmd_addr[31];
initial CS_N = 1'b1;
assign CLK = !CS_N && clk;
// since least significant bytes are read first, we need to swizzle...
assign rdata = {rcv_data[7:0],rcv_data[15:8],rcv_data[23:16],rcv_data[31:24]};
always @(negedge clk) begin
if(rstrb) begin
CS_N <= 1'b0;
cmd_addr <= {8'h03, 4'b0000,word_address[17:0], 2'b00};
snd_bitcount <= 6'd32;
end else begin
if(sending) begin
if(snd_bitcount == 1) begin
rcv_bitcount <= 6'd32;
snd_bitcount <= snd_bitcount - 6'd1;
cmd_addr <= {cmd_addr[30:0],1'b0};
if(receiving) begin
rcv_bitcount <= rcv_bitcount - 6'd1;
rcv_data <= {rcv_data[30:0],MISO};
if(!busy) begin
CS_N <= 1'b1;
But there is a strong limitation: using the READ command, speed is limited to 50MHz. To go faster, we need to use the FASTREAD command.
For using the FASTREAD command, we need to send 8 "dummy bits" right after the command and address. These dummy bits are necessary for the SPI flash to have sufficient time to read the address and prepare the data. It can be done simply as follows:
if(rstrb) begin
CS_N <= 1'b0;
cmd_addr <= {8'h0b, 4'b0000,word_address[17:0], 2'b00};
snd_bitcount <= 6'd40; // instead of 32 before
Now we can go significantly faster, by reading two bits at a time
instead of one. It can be done by inverting MOSI once the command,
address and dummy bits are sent. Note that MOSI is now a bidirectional
pin (inout
). It switches from output to input by writing Z
to it.
Then the receive shifter shifts two bits at a time, one read from MISO
as before, and the other one from MOSI
module MappedSPIFlash(
input wire clk, // system clock
input wire rstrb, // read strobe
input wire [17:0] word_address, // address of the word to be read
output wire [31:0] rdata, // data read
output wire rbusy, // asserted if busy receiving data
// SPI flash pins
output wire CLK, // clock
output reg CS_N, // chip select negated (active low)
inout wire MOSI, // master out slave in (data to be sent to flash)
input wire MISO // master in slave out (data received from flash)
wire MOSI_out;
wire MOSI_in;
wire MOSI_oe;
assign MOSI = MOSI_oe ? MOSI_out : 1'bZ;
assign MOSI_in = MOSI;
reg [5:0] snd_bitcount;
reg [31:0] cmd_addr;
reg [5:0] rcv_bitcount;
reg [31:0] rcv_data;
wire sending = (snd_bitcount != 0);
wire receiving = (rcv_bitcount != 0);
wire busy = sending | receiving;
assign rbusy = !CS_N;
assign MOSI_oe = !receiving;
assign MOSI_out = sending && cmd_addr[39];
initial CS_N = 1'b1;
assign CLK = !CS_N && clk;
// since least significant bytes are read first, we need to swizzle...
assign rdata = {rcv_data[7:0],rcv_data[15:8],rcv_data[23:16],rcv_data[31:24]};
always @(negedge clk) begin
if(rstrb) begin
CS_N <= 1'b0;
cmd_addr <= {8'h3b, 4'b0000,word_address[17:0], 2'b00};
snd_bitcount <= 6'd40;
end else begin
if(sending) begin
if(snd_bitcount == 1) begin
rcv_bitcount <= 6'd32;
snd_bitcount <= snd_bitcount - 6'd1;
cmd_addr <= {cmd_addr[30:0],1'b0};
if(receiving) begin
rcv_bitcount <= rcv_bitcount - 6'd2;
rcv_data <= {rcv_data[29:0],MISO,MOSI_in};
if(!busy) begin
CS_N <= 1'b1;
We can go even faster: since we got two pins, why not using both of them to send the address ? (then we invert them and use both of them to read the data as before). Well, the names MOSI and MISO can be misleading, so now we use instead the two-bits bidirectional signal IO. There is a gotcha: the command is sent only through MOSI, as before (this is because the chip cannot guess we'll be using both wires before having received the command !). To do that, I am using a single shifter (I do not want to have a shifter for the command and a shifter for the address), but I'm duplicating the bits of the command (using the bbyyttee function).
module MappedSPIFlash(
input wire clk, // system clock
input wire rstrb, // read strobe
input wire [17:0] word_address, // address of the word to be read
output wire [31:0] rdata, // data read
output wire rbusy, // asserted if busy receiving data
output wire CLK, // clock
output reg CS_N, // chip select negated (active low)
inout wire [1:0] IO // two bidirectional IO pins
reg [4:0] snd_clock_cnt; // send clock, 2 bits per clock (dual IO)
reg [39:0] cmd_addr; // command + address shift register
reg [4:0] rcv_clock_cnt; // receive clock, 2 bits per clock (dual IO)
reg [31:0] rcv_data; // received data shift register
wire sending = (snd_clock_cnt != 0);
wire receiving = (rcv_clock_cnt != 0);
wire busy = sending | receiving;
assign rbusy = !CS_N;
// The two data pins IO0 (=MOSI) and IO1 (=MISO) used in bidirectional mode.
reg IO_oe = 1'b1;
wire [1:0] IO_out = cmd_addr[39:38];
wire [1:0] IO_in = IO;
assign IO = IO_oe ? IO_out : 2'bZZ;
initial CS_N = 1'b1;
assign CLK = !CS_N && clk; // CLK needs to be disabled when not active.
// since least significant bytes are read first, we need to swizzle...
assign rdata={rcv_data[7:0],rcv_data[15:8],rcv_data[23:16],rcv_data[31:24]};
// Duplicates the bits (used because when sending command, dual IO is
// not active yet, and I do not want to have a separate shifter for
// the command and for the args...).
function [15:0] bbyyttee;
input [7:0] x;
bbyyttee = {
always @(negedge clk) begin
if(rstrb) begin
CS_N <= 1'b0;
IO_oe <= 1'b1;
cmd_addr <= {bbyyttee(8'hbb), 4'b0000, word_address[17:0], 2'b00};
snd_clock_cnt <= 5'd28; // cmd: 8 clocks address: 12 clocks dummy: 8 clocks
end else begin
if(sending) begin
if(snd_clock_cnt == 1) begin
rcv_clock_cnt <= 5'd16; // 32 bits (= 16 clocks)
IO_oe <= 1'b0;
snd_clock_cnt <= snd_clock_cnt - 5'd1;
cmd_addr <= {cmd_addr[37:0],2'b00};
if(receiving) begin
rcv_clock_cnt <= rcv_clock_cnt - 5'd1;
rcv_data <= {rcv_data[29:0],IO_in};
if(!busy) begin
CS_N <= 1'b1;
This design is quite heavy in terms of LUT usage. It has:
- a 40-bits shifter for sending the command and address
- a 32-bits shifter for receiving the data
- two 5-bits counters for counting the clocks when sending and receiving
We can save many LUTs (50 to 70) by using a single shifter for sending
and receiving, and by using a single counter, with an additional dir
to keep track of whether we are sending or receiving.
The code in the end is slightly less legible, but it is really worth it on the IceStick where every LUT counts.
module MappedSPIFlash(
input wire clk, // system clock
input wire rstrb, // read strobe
input wire [17:0] word_address, // address of the word to be read
output wire [31:0] rdata, // data read
output wire rbusy, // asserted if busy receiving data
output wire CLK, // clock
output reg CS_N, // chip select negated (active low)
inout wire [1:0] IO // two bidirectional IO pins
reg [4:0] clock_cnt; // send/receive clock, 2 bits per clock (dual IO)
reg [39:0] shifter; // used for sending and receiving
reg dir; // 1 if sending, 0 otherwise
wire busy = (clock_cnt != 0);
wire sending = (dir && busy);
wire receiving = (!dir && busy);
assign rbusy = !CS_N;
// The two data pins IO0 (=MOSI) and IO1 (=MISO) used in bidirectional mode.
reg IO_oe = 1'b1;
wire [1:0] IO_out = shifter[39:38];
wire [1:0] IO_in = IO;
assign IO = IO_oe ? IO_out : 2'bZZ;
initial CS_N = 1'b1;
assign CLK = !CS_N && clk; // CLK needs to be disabled when not active.
// since least significant bytes are read first, we need to swizzle...
assign rdata={shifter[7:0],shifter[15:8],shifter[23:16],shifter[31:24]};
// Duplicates the bits (used because when sending command, dual IO is
// not active yet, and I do not want to have a separate shifter for
// the command and for the args...).
function [15:0] bbyyttee;
input [7:0] x;
bbyyttee = {
always @(negedge clk) begin
if(rstrb) begin
CS_N <= 1'b0;
IO_oe <= 1'b1;
dir <= 1'b1;
shifter <= {bbyyttee(8'hbb), 4'b0000, word_address[17:0], 2'b00};
clock_cnt <= 5'd28; // cmd: 8 clocks address: 12 clocks dummy: 8 clocks
end else begin
if(busy) begin
shifter <= {shifter[37:0], (receiving ? IO_in : 2'b11)};
clock_cnt <= clock_cnt - 5'd1;
if(dir && clock_cnt == 1) begin
clock_cnt <= 5'd16; // 32 bits, 2 bits per clock
IO_oe <= 1'b0;
dir <= 1'b0;
end else begin
CS_N <= 1'b1;
There are three things we can do to go even faster:
- use 4 pins: the chip has a quad IO mode, using 4 bidirectional pins. Unfortunately, these pins are not wired to FPGA pins on the ICEStick. One (skilled person) could solder them...
- use a smaller number of dummy bits: normally they can be configured (I tried with no success for now)
- use the XIP mode: the XIP mode does not require to send any command. You send the address and get the data directly ! (I tried with no success for now)