👋 I'm a software engineer that loves to solve problems and make really bad puns.
👨💻 and...? Oh, the back-end! I have experience coding with .NET, Unity, SQL, and with what I'm currently working with: Node.Js and Typescript Besides that, AWS has really taken some time out of me so I like to consider myself an infra guy as well. I've dealt with Kubernetes (<3), SES, S3, Cognito, Dynamo, Dax, RDS, Athena, and a few others...
🐶 Training Sky (<- puppy's name) is part of my every day and so is solving puzzles! Going to the gym to look like someone that is not sitting in a chair all day (:cry:) is also an everyday thing.
🌱 I've been trying to read and study more about personal growth and currently reading "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" which is so simple and yet mind-blowing at the same time.
Let's chat!