This is very early in development, but I got the reactive typing part working.
This typing game is named after my grandma, Elsie. She worked as a Stenographer in the 1940s. I hope this game is a great way to honour my grandmother.
Recently I have been playing a lot of typing games, trying to get better (I can only type 88WPM at best), so naturally, as a programmer, I wanted to figure out how a reactive typing game like MonkeyType worked, so I decied to build my own. I would also like to change a few things.
- Prettify the UI (decide wether or not to use tailwind or sass) I'm planing on useing bem for this project for the first time.
- The game may benifit from better decoupling if possible in 'Game.vue'
- Develop a timmer system (to calculate words per minute)
- Add a testing framework