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Change languageProjectName and appName parameters with a uniqe short name (initial) in the ~/CustomQABot/Bicep/main.parameters.json file
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"languageProjectName": {
"value": "[your-uniqe-language-project-name]"
"appName": {
"value": "[your-uniqe-app-name]"
"value": "F0"
"value": "free"
"value": "F1"
"value": "F0"
Use Azure CLI and navigate to ~/CustomQABot/Bicep directory to deploy the resources
az login --tenant "[your-tenant-id]"
az group create --location $location --name $rgName
az deployment group create --resource-group $rgName `
--template-file main.bicep --parameters main.parameters.json --no-prompt
Wait for about 5-10 minutes for the deployment of azure resources and app to complete
When it completed you can try to access the app at https://[your-uniqe-app-name], see if it's working