This program uses PyPdf to read out the PDF files generated by Splitser/WieBetaaltWat, and convert them to CSV. This project will generate two files:
- balance.csv, with balances of the participants
- expenses.csv, with all expenses made in the settlement.
To install the package, clone the repository and use pip
to install it locally:
git clone
cd splitser-to-csv
pip install .
Usage is language dependent, since PDF headings and currency notation differ.
Usage defaults to English
python -m app.main [file]
Voor Nederlandse PDFs gebruik de --language flag.
python -m app.main [file] -l NL
.. of
python -m app.main [file] --language NL
A PDF of settlements can be downloaded the following way:
- Settle your list
- Press the
button - Tap on the screen saying
You are even 🎉
- Press the
button - Press PDF.
- Transfer this PDF to the right device.
By putting the PDF in the splitser-to-csv directory, you can just use the filename as [file] argument.
python -m app.main [file] --language [LANG]
Current language codes: EN: English (also used in German and Italian version of Splitser) NL: Dutch (Used in WieBetaaltWat)
The generated CSVs are located in ./output
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss potential changes or improvements.
Questions? Feel free to reach out to [email protected].