Sample blockchain written on C# and using .Net Core 2.1
-Using Bouncy Castle for Cryptography -Swagger for Api display (Can be opened on {url}/swagger )
#To run the a node:
- Go to web project folder and, open Power Shell or Cmd and type : dotnet run (this will run the oplication on the default 5005, which is set up in hosting.json file)
- When want to run another nodes do the same but with specifing urls like that : dotnet run --urls http://localhost:5001 -swagger opens at : {host}:{port}/swagger
#To run multiple instances on different ports:
Generate exe: -dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 (in the package manager console)
from Tools project run : -NodeInstanceRunner.StartMultipleInstances(SampleUrls) or 1.Go the Console App Folder 2.Open Cmd 3.type in: dotnet run