These are 2 Guides that were created to help those among the BitCanna Community interested to run their Full Node Wallets(*) using a Raspberry Pi.
*The possibility to use it as a Masternode is still to be tested.
- Raspberry Pi 3B+
- SD Card with 32GB (minimum)
- PC (either for remote control the RPi or for the VM installation Guide)
The following Guides follow a strict order of steps, commands and files editions that must be followed to have a successful result in compiling and installing the BitCanna Full Node Wallet on a Raspberry Pi OS environment.
These instructions have been divided into 2 guides for the fact that despite being both for Raspberry Pi usage, the Raspberry OS used on the Virtual Machine and the Raspberry OS used on an actual Raspberry Pi differ a bit from each other which requires a few different steps on each in order for the wallet to be installed and used.
Keep in mind that these guides are a community made project, and there for no member of the BitCanna Team, and/or the author, are responsible for any funds lost by its usage.
If you plan to use this as a working PoS Wallet do not forget to follow all the recommended safety and backup precautions of setting up a PoS Crypto Wallet.
If you need or want to buy BCNA you can do it using the links below:
- CoinDeal Exchange ->
- STEX Exchange ->
- Directly with Credit Card ->
Any improvements or suggestions to be added feel free to do it either through here or by telegram using the link ->
If you found these guides useful and you fell like it feel free to donate any tips to support and improve it:
- BCNA -> BFJt7ETtucGmifwtmspf1LeJ75Cw6tG3YY
- BTC -> bc1qv8xvnf7376sv3qnxemh0y6hjkz7vcsgzhr5aln