Easily stream terminal sessions
$ webout stream
Webout session started
View online: http://localhost:9000/session/82937d04-be96-459b-ab9d-d813fec738e3
Session id: 82937d04-be96-459b-ab9d-d813fec738e3
Once done, use the exit
$ exit
Webout session ended! Bye :)
$ webout watch <session id>
$ brew tap bansco/webout
$ brew install webout
$ cargo install webout
Download the latest released binary and add executable permissions:
# Linux example:
$ wget -O webout "https://github.com/Bansco/webout/releases/download/v0.1.0/webout-x86-64-linux"
$ chmod +x webout
- Stream a terminal session
- No support for full screen capture programs (top, vim or tmux)
- Sessions are not persisted
- CLI client to stream and watch a terminal session
- Web client to watch terminal sessions