A monorepo hosting components for rendering image and video in a single container for easy rendering of visual elements.
- @react-visual/react - Vanilla implementation.
- @react-visual/contentful - Adapter for Contentful assets.
- @react-visual/next - Uses the
component for rendering images. - @react-visual/sanity-next - Takes Sanity asset and passes them to
for rendering.
Using sourceTypes
and sourceMedia
with imageLoader
to produce multiple <source>
tags with srcset
import Visual from '@react-visual/react'
export default function ResponsiveExample() {
return (
sourceMedia={['(orientation:landscape)', '(orientation:portrait)']}
imageLoader={({ src, type, media, width }) => {
const height = media?.includes('landscape') ? width * 0.5 : width
const ext = type?.includes('webp') ? '.webp' : ''
return `https://placehold.co/${width}x${height}${ext}`
alt='Example of responsive images'/>
Using with a Visual entryType containing image and video fields:
import Visual from '@react-visual/contentful'
export default function Example() {
return (
src={ entry.background }
sizes='100vw' />
Using framework adapter for Next.js:
import Visual from '@react-visual/next'
export default function Example() {
return (
aspect={16 / 9}
alt='Example using placeholder assets' />
Using Sanity + Next.js Adapter to automatically populate aspect ratio, alt, blurred placeholder, and support both image and video in one object:
import Visual from '@react-visual/sanity-next'
export default function Example({ background }) {
return <Visual src={ background } sizes='100vw' />
This project uses Lerna to release versions, using the default versioning strategy.
yarn lerna run test
- Run all testsyarn lerna version
- Tag a new versionyarn lerna publish [major|minor|patch]
- Tag and publish a versionyarn lerna publish from-package
- Publish the current version
placeholder.co dropped it's APIs for generating test videos so I've been using this command to create videos for tests:
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=300x150:d=5 \
-vf "drawtext=text='Hello World':fontcolor=white:fontsize=32:x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2" \
-c:v libx264 -t 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p 300x150.mp4