[Forge & Fabric 1.18.2 & 1.19.2] A forge mod to add new bogey types to the Create Mod aswell as providing a simple API for other mods to add their own easily and without conflict
Extended Bogeys primarily adds new types of bogey aswell as an Interface for other mods to do the same, ontop of this a new Unlinked bogey as been added alowing for more than two bogeys per carriage. Configurably, (disabled by default) speed, acceleration and minimum turn radii can be applied to each bogey making each one more unique.
A somewhat complete list of both features and styles both implemented and planned can be found Here please feel free to make any requests at the contacts above.
Extended Bogeys used to provide its own API which has now been merged into Create as of 0.5.1 documentation for this can be found [Here](Its not there yet)
Extended Bogeys has a wiki detailing how you can integrate Extended Bogeys into your project aswell as details on creating, rendering and customising your own bogey. You can find the docs Here