This python interface enables you to gather information about your dogs whereabouts, your user details and any bases you may have.
NOTE: Since this interacts with undocumented APIs, this may change without notice.
To install this package, use pip
python -m pip install "pytryfi"
TryFi uses Graphql for its APIs. Essentially, you will use your username (email address) and password to retrieve a unique username specific for API calls which in turn will be used for the duration to retrieve data.
#this will create the object and gather all the necessary data
tryfi = PyTryFi(username, password)
#this will perform a complete refresh of all Pets and data points
#this will perform a complete refresh of all Bases and data points
#this will perform an update on both Pets and Bases and their associated data points
#this will update the last reported location of a bet
#this will update the stats of the pet
#update the device/collar details for the given pet
#update the all details for a given pet
#this will set the light color of the collar
tryfi.pets[0].setLedColorCode(tryfi.session, 2)
#this will turn on the LED light on the color
#or turn it off
#this will turn on the lost dog mode
#or turn it off
#this will get the lost dog mode status/state currently in the object
- Provide Activity Data History
- Enhancement - removed error logging where not required
- Fix - resolved issue where the variables are unbound in the login function
- Enhancement - added Sentry for capturing errors by further only capturing exceptions
- Enhancement - added Sentry for capturing errors
- Enhancement - added areaName property that could be used to idenitfy a location (tryfi.pets[0].areaName)
- Bugfix - fixed longitude and latitude while Pet is on a walk
- Bugfix - get LED status based on additional logic that compares the ledOffAt date with the current date/time. Update the boolean to True or False base on the additional date comparison.
- Bugfix - handle unknown location
- Bug fixes when updating objects
- Added function to submit Lost Dog Action
- Added isLost property to Pet
- Code cleanup
- Added global update function that updates both pets and bases (pytryfi.update())
- Added better error handling
- created update functions for various pet and device objects and a global update for the pet
- added last updated date/time to the objects to track when the data was last updated
- changed turn on/off action to boolean
- when performing an action on the collar, update the data that is retrieved at the same time
The following updates/enhancements were made:
- moved updated pet location from base object to pet class
- created function to update the stats of the pet
- converted approriate variables to integers, floats and dates
- created function to set the LED color on the collar
- created function to turn on/off LED on a collar
Initial version of the TryFi interface that gathered basic information about the pets, collars and bases.