This project is combination of Spring Boot and JSF with maven multi module architecture, In which I'm using Spring Schedular (in one module) to run scheduled task to consume Weather rest api with JAXB and save data into PostgreSQL database. In frontend module I'm fetching that data from PostgreSQL database to display and some other functionality. For Backend I'm using Spring-Data-JPA and Spring-JPA-Repositories.
I'm using postgreSQL (Schema will be created by it self) but url,username, password and port you have set in web\src\main\resources file
- Web Module is main Module.
- Please execute run.bat (Windows).
- Or simply execute bellow commands:
- From inside project mvn clean install.
- Then move to web folder mvn spring-boot:run
- Now open browser and hit this url:
- http://localhost:8080/index.xhtml
Azhar Mobeen
[email protected]