Elixir BookingSync (https://www.bookingsync.com) API v3 client. Find more at: http://developers.bookingsync.com
- Add :bookingsync_api_client_v3 to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
[{:bookingsync_api_client_v3, "~> 0.0.1"}]
- Ensure :bookingsync_api_client_v3 is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:bookingsync_api_client_v3]]
- Fetch dependencies:
mix deps.get
You will need oauth access token to perform any request. If you don't know where you can get one, please visit http://developers.bookingsync.com.
For every request you will need to pass BookingsyncApiClientV3.Data
struct. Here's an example how to initialize one
base_url: "https://bookingsync.dev", # required
oauth_token: "MY_ACCESS_TOKEN", # required
timeout: 50_000 # not required, 10_000 (10 s) is the default value
The result for any request is one of the following options:
{:ok, result}
tuple indicating success whereresult
struct.{:error, error_code, error_message}
tuple indicating error whereerror_code
is integer standing for HTTP status anderror_message
is either returned error message deserialized into map if the body was of JSON format or original body if wasn't of JSON format.
contains the following fields:
containing deserialized body from response. Forindex
action it is list of maps and forshow
actions it is map (as only the single record is returned in body).links
- map with links from response.meta
- map with meta data from responseresource_name
- name of the resource, e.g. "bookings"
Here are some examples of requests:
data = %BookingsyncApiClientV3.Data{base_url: "http://bookingsync.dev", oauth_token: "MY_ACCESS_TOKEN"}
# index action, performs autopagination if `next` are available
data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.get("bookings")
# index action, with query params which will be appended to the url
data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.get("clients", %{fullname: "Rich Piana"})
# show action, get client with id 96
data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.get("clients", 96)
# create action, create client with given payload
data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.post("clients", %{clients: [%{fullname: "Rich Piana"}]})
# create action with scope, create bathroom for rental with id 1 with given payload
data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.post("rentals", 1, "bathrooms", %{bathrooms: [%{name_en: bathroom_name}]})
# update action, update client with id 98 with given payload
data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.patch("clients", 98, %{clients: [%{fullname: "Updated fullname"}]})
# delete action, destroy booking with id 98
data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.delete("bookings", 98)
# example of successful request
iex> data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.get("clients", 96)
%BookingsyncApiClientV3.Result{links: %{"clients.account" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/accounts/{clients.account}"},
meta: %{},
resource: %{"addresses" => [], "created_at" => "2016-04-01T10:56:49Z",
"emails" => [], "fullname" => "fullname", "id" => 96,
"links" => %{"account" => 1}, "notes" => nil, "passport" => nil,
"phones" => [], "preferred_locale" => nil,
"updated_at" => "2016-04-01T10:56:49Z"}, resource_name: "clients"}}
# example of request with error
{:error, 401, error_message} = data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.get("bookings", 1)
iex> error_message == %{"errors" => [%{"code" => "unauthorized"}]}
You can also fetch relationships from single resource:
# fetchting single relationship, e.g. rental, returns BookingsyncApiClientV3.Result
# with single rental as resource
{:ok, booking} = data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Client.get("bookings", 500)
%BookingsyncApiClientV3.Result{links: %{"bookings.account" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/accounts/{bookings.account}",
"bookings.bookings_fees" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/bookings_fees/{bookings.bookings_fees}",
"bookings.bookings_tags" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/bookings_tags/{bookings.bookings_tags}",
"bookings.bookings_taxes" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/bookings_taxes/{bookings.bookings_taxes}",
"bookings.client" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/clients/{bookings.client}",
"bookings.inquiry" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/inquiries/{bookings.inquiry}",
"bookings.rental" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rentals/{bookings.rental}",
"bookings.rental_agreement" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rental_agreements/{bookings.rental_agreement}",
"bookings.source" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/sources/{bookings.source}"},
meta: %{},
resource: %{"damage_deposit" => "0.0", "notes" => "Baby bed required",
"locked" => nil, "expected_checkin_time" => nil,
"initial_price" => "1000.0", "initial_rental_price" => "1000.0",
"id" => 500, "end_at" => "2016-08-17T10:00:00Z", "children" => nil,
"currency" => "GBP", "bookings_payments_count" => 1,
"final_price_to_owner" => nil, "canceled_at" => nil, "unavailable" => false,
"review_requests_count" => 0, "final_rental_price" => "1000.0",
"payment_url" => nil, "expected_checkout_time" => nil,
"links" => %{"account" => 1, "bookings_fees" => [], "bookings_tags" => [],
"bookings_taxes" => [], "client" => 39, "inquiry" => nil, "rental" => 3,
"rental_agreement" => nil, "source" => nil}, "status" => "Booked",
"paid_amount" => "1000.0", "final_price" => "1000.0", "discount" => nil,
"created_at" => "2015-07-21T13:05:12Z", "downpayment" => nil,
"commission" => nil, "owned_by_app" => false,
"charge_damage_deposit_on_arrival" => true, "tentative_expires_at" => nil,
"booked" => true, "balance_due_at" => nil,
"start_at" => "2016-08-09T16:00:00Z", "reference" => "0000DW",
"adults" => 9, "updated_at" => "2015-07-21T13:05:12Z"},
resource_name: "bookings"}}
{:ok, rental} = data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Relationship.from_result(booking, "rental")
%BookingsyncApiClientV3.Result{links: %{"rentals.account" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/accounts/{rentals.account}",
"rentals.availability" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/availabilities/{rentals.availability}",
"rentals.bathrooms" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/bathrooms/{rentals.bathrooms}",
"rentals.bedrooms" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/bedrooms/{rentals.bedrooms}",
"rentals.destination" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/destinations/{rentals.destination}",
"rentals.photos" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/photos/{rentals.photos}",
"rentals.rates" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rates/{rentals.rates}",
"rentals.rates_table" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rates_tables/{rentals.rates_table}",
"rentals.rental_agreement" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rental_agreements/{rentals.rental_agreement}",
"rentals.rental_cancelation_policy" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rental_cancelation_policies/{rentals.rental_cancelation_policy}",
"rentals.rentals_amenities" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rentals_amenities/{rentals.rentals_amenities}",
"rentals.rentals_fees" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rentals_fees/{rentals.rentals_fees}",
"rentals.rentals_tags" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rentals_tags/{rentals.rentals_tags}",
"rentals.reviews" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/reviews/{rentals.reviews}",
"rentals.special_offers" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/special_offers/{rentals.special_offers}"},
meta: %{},
resource: %{"bookable_online" => false, "balance_due" => 30,
"damage_deposit" => "0.0", "sleeps_max" => nil,
"published_at" => "2015-10-08T09:28:56Z", "surface_unit" => "metric",
"notes" => nil, "website_url" => %{}, "initial_price" => nil,
"address2" => nil, "base_rate" => "700.0", "owner_email" => nil, "id" => 3,
"contact_name" => "Contact Fullname", "max_price" => "700.0",
"country_code" => "FR", "stories_count" => nil, "currency" => "USD",
"price_public_notes" => %{"en" => "Public notes in english"},
"owner_fullname" => nil, "checkout_details" => %{}, "floor" => "",
"lat" => 45.02, "absolute_min_price" => "0.0", "bedrooms_count" => nil,
"sleeps" => 7,
"links" => %{"account" => 1, "availability" => 3,
"bathrooms" => [7, 8, 9, 27, 28, 29], "bedrooms" => [],
"destination" => 136, "photos" => [3], "rates" => [6, 7, 8],
"rates_table" => 1, "rental_agreement" => 13,
"rental_cancelation_policy" => 13, "rentals_amenities" => [],
"rentals_fees" => [29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38], "rentals_tags" => [],
"reviews" => [75, 76, 77, 78, 79, ...], "special_offers" => [2]},
"final_price" => nil, "state" => nil,
"created_at" => "2015-04-03T13:23:32Z", "name" => "Apartment 1 2",
"address1" => nil, "checkin_details" => %{}, "checkin_time" => 16,
"downpayment" => 30, "city" => "Nevache", "reviews_average_rating" => "4.6",
"bookable_on_request" => true, "lng" => 6.6, "price_kind" => "weekly",
"description" => %{"en" => "Complete description"}, "owner_notes" => nil,
"reviews_count" => 115, "rental_type" => "villa", "position" => 3,
"min_price" => "700.0", ...}, resource_name: "rentals"}}
# fetching multi relationship, e.g. bathrooms, returns BookingsyncApiClientV3.Result
# with bathrooms as resource
{:ok, bathrooms} = data |> BookingsyncApiClientV3.Relationship.from_result(rental, "bathrooms")
%BookingsyncApiClientV3.Result{links: %{"bathrooms.rental" => "http://bookingsync.dev/api/v3/rentals/{bathrooms.rental}"},
meta: %{},
resource: [%{"bath_count" => 0, "created_at" => "2015-08-18T15:08:50Z",
"id" => 7, "links" => %{"rental" => 3},
"name" => %{"en" => "Bathroom 1", "fr" => "Chambre 1"},
"shower_count" => 0, "updated_at" => "2015-08-18T15:08:50Z",
"wc_count" => 0},
%{"bath_count" => 0, "created_at" => "2015-08-18T15:08:50Z", "id" => 8,
"links" => %{"rental" => 3},
"name" => %{"en" => "Bathroom 2", "fr" => "Chambre 2"},
"shower_count" => 0, "updated_at" => "2015-08-18T15:08:50Z",
"wc_count" => 0},
%{"bath_count" => 0, "created_at" => "2015-08-18T15:08:50Z", "id" => 9,
"links" => %{"rental" => 3},
"name" => %{"en" => "Bathroom 3", "fr" => "Chambre 3"},
"shower_count" => 0, "updated_at" => "2015-08-18T15:08:50Z",
"wc_count" => 0},
%{"bath_count" => 0, "created_at" => "2015-09-01T09:19:46Z", "id" => 27,
"links" => %{"rental" => 3},
"name" => %{"en" => "Bathroom 1", "fr" => "Salle de bains 1"},
"shower_count" => 0, "updated_at" => "2015-09-01T09:19:46Z",
"wc_count" => 0},
%{"bath_count" => 0, "created_at" => "2015-09-01T09:19:46Z", "id" => 28,
"links" => %{"rental" => 3},
"name" => %{"en" => "Bathroom 2", "fr" => "Salle de bains 2"},
"shower_count" => 0, "updated_at" => "2015-09-01T09:19:46Z",
"wc_count" => 0},
%{"bath_count" => 0, "created_at" => "2015-09-01T09:19:46Z", "id" => 29,
"links" => %{"rental" => 3},
"name" => %{"en" => "Bathroom 3", "fr" => "Salle de bains 3"},
"shower_count" => 0, "updated_at" => "2015-09-01T09:19:46Z",
"wc_count" => 0}], resource_name: "bathrooms"}}
- Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
- run tests:
mix test
If you need to record any VCR cassette, you need to provide BOOKINGSYNC_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN
ENV variable:
By default http://bookingsync.dev
URL will be used, which can be customized with BOOKINGSYNC_URL
ENV variable:
- Fork away
- Create topic branches. Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.
- Add tests! Make sure that your patch is including tests.
- Document any change in behaviour. Make sure the README and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.
- Send coherent history. Make sure each individual commit in your pull request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while developing, please squash them before sending them to us.