This is a sample repo of a work with the following libs/frameworks:
- Node JS - Server side
- flatiron/director - Routing lib
- ecstatic - Serve static files
- cheerio - A jquery core selector implentation
- node-async - Async flow control library
- Node.IO - scraping lib (can be removed..)
- node-solr - Apache Solr client
- Apache Solr - search engine
The flow of setting up the project is as follows:
node scrape
Not a mandatory process since repo also include the scraped pages from some point in world history. This will start a process to scrape the list of birds recorded in israel from:
After that with a minor tweak on the bird names, it will scrape the relevant bird pages from wikipedia. The process takes a 2-4 minutes. It is really not optimized or parallelized as it should.
Also, the process seems to complete with exception, if not botherd with it, it seems like a node-async issue.
solr /path/to/config
Make sure solr is up.
node solr-index
process to pick up the files scraped from the web and create the solr documents in the birds-kb/ directory of the repo.
node app
Start the web server
You should now be able to locally and play around with the data