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Generator of functional coverage tracking code for Verilog projects


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ACov: A functional coverage generator

When designing hardware, one coverage metric that matters is functional coverage. This is defined by hand and says things like "in my testing, I want this FIFO to have been full at least once" or "I want to test every size of input image that I support" or similar.

SystemVerilog has support for functional coverage in two flavours (Of course there are two flavours, because why have just one? You'll find them just behind the kitchen sink...). The flavour that ACov targets or emulates is based on the coverpoint and covergroup keywords. Unfortunately, fully supporting SystemVerilog-style functional coverage is very complicated and simulators like Verilator can't do this. If you want to collect functional coverage using Verilator (going wide across some compute cluster to run loads of tests at once), you need another approach. For this, ACov has your back

The ultra-condensed description of how to use it is:

  1. Run acov on a script describing your coverage points and crosses.
  2. Bind the generated modules to your design.
  3. Run some simulations
  4. Collect the results with acov-report.

In slightly more detail, the initial script is written in a sort of pseudo-Verilog. This defines several modules, each of which will be turned into an actual Verilog module by running acov. The code in these auto-generated modules contains DPI calls to a library (also included with ACov) called These calls basically say "Hey, I've just seen the following coverage group with the following value". When the simulation finishes, the results are written out to a text file.

Once you've run all your simulations, you run acov-report. This reads the text files that the DPI library generated and assembles them into an HTML coverage report.

Example input file

An ACov input file might look like this:

// A module to collect xxx coverage
module xxx (foo [10:0], bar [19:0], baz [1:0], qux) {
   when (foo [0]) {
     group {
       record foo cover {0..12, 2047};
       record foo + bar[10:0] as foobar cover {0, 1};

   record baz;
   record qux as qxx;
   record bar cover bits;

Where the inputs foo, bar, etc. correspond to internal or external signals of the module xxx that you want to cover.

This will create a Verilog module called xxx_coverage, of the following form:

module xxx_coverage (input wire        clk,
                     input wire        rst_n,
                     input wire [10:0] foo,
                     input wire [19:0] bar,
                     input wire [1:0]  baz,
                     input wire        qux);

    // Contents go here


Notice that there is a clock and a negative reset line. ACov currently only supports synchronous modules (with a single clock) that use asynchronous negative reset.

The when block means that we will only record the stuff inside when its guard is true. Record lines tell the simulation to record their contents. The full syntax appears in the second record line:

record foo + bar[10:0] as foobar cover {0, 1};

This tells the simulation to record the expression foo + bar[10:0] and call it foobar. It also says that we'd like to see it take values zero and one.

The first, third and fifth record lines show that you don't need to specify a record name if the expression being recorded is just a symbol. You do need to specify it otherwise (because ACov doesn't know what to call it in this case).

The cover keyword tells ACov what we expect to see. If it is omitted, that means that we would like to see every value allowed by the width of the expression being recorded. If cover is specified, there are two options for its value. The first is of this form:

cover {0..12, 2047}

This says that we'd like to see all values from 0 to 12 (inclusive) and also 2047. The second option is

cover bits

This means something a bit analogous to toggle coverage. We'd like to see each bit of the expression equal to zero and equal to one.

The group block is analogous to a SystemVerilog covergroup. It tells the simulation to record all the record statements inside it at the same time. It also implies that we want to cross the records inside. The group in the example above defines a cross with 14 * 2 = 28 entries.

Running ACov

Suppose you have written your coverage points in a file called input.acov. Now run ACov with a command line like

acov input.acov cover_dir

The cover_dir directory will be created if necessary and will contain one file for each module described in input.acov. If you had a module of the form

module xxx (input [7:0]) {

then ACov will create a file called This file contains SystemVerilog code that defines a module called xxx_coverage which will collect coverage data.

Binding coverage modules into your design

In practice, you will use the generated modules through the SystemVerilog bind keyword. If you have modules in your design called xxx, yyy and zzz and you want to bind modules that had the same name in your input.acov, you can write a module of this form:

module coverage_bindings;
  bind xxx xxx_coverage xxx_cov_i (.*);
  bind yyy yyy_coverage yyy_cov_i (.*);
  bind zzz zzz_coverage zzz_cov_i (.*);

You need to write this by hand, because ACov has no way to know exactly how you want to bind things in your design. In practice, this is not much typing.

If there are two instances of the xxx module in the design, the bind statement above will instantiate two copies of xxx_coverage: one bound to each xxx instance. These can be disambiguated by their scope (which might look something like "Top.tb_i.read_i.xxx_i.xxx_cov_i" and "Top.tb_i.write_i.xxx_i.xxx_cov_i"). The coverage report shows coverage for each record in the module for each instance.

There is at least one other change you need to make: You need to instantiate the coverage bindings in your system testbench. You'll probably want to surround this with a preprocessor ``ifdef` to allow you to turn them on and off:

`ifdef FUNC_COV
  coverage_bindings bindings_i ();

If your testbench resets after the start of time and you want to ignore all coverage that happens before then, you'll need a call to acov_clear. For example, if you have a signal rst_everything_n that goes low at the first full reset then you'll need something like this:

`ifdef FUNC_COV
`ifndef ACOV_SV
  import "DPI-C" context function void acov_clear ();
  always @(negedge rst_everything_n) begin
    acov_clear ();

The inner ``ifndef` means that we only run this in "DPI mode": when using the DPI library for coverage, rather than the native SystemVerilog backend.

Running the simulation

This should be very simple; the only real configuration is telling the simulator where to find the library. This is installed at $prefix/lib/ (or $prefix/lib32/ if you want the 32-bit version).

If you followed the advice in the previous section, you'll also need to pass the preprocessor flag FUNC_COV to switch coverage on.

If you want to use the SystemVerilog backend because the simulator supports it, you'll also need to pass the preprocessor flag ACOV_SV.

If you run your testbench multiple times with different inputs, you need to make sure they run in separate directories because the DPI code writes to ./acov.log each time.

Collecting results

To collect the results from the simulation, there is a program called acov-report. This reads each acov.log, together with the original input file, and generates an HTML report. Example usage:

find test_runs -name 'acov.log' | acov-report input.acov html_dir

This generates html_dir/index.html with a coverage report, ready for viewing.

To catch silly mistakes where you edit input.acov and then run acov-report before re-running the tests, each log contains a hash code that depends on the contents of input.acov. If the hash code doesn't match, you'll get a warning message and acov-report will skip that file.

Input language reference

The ACov input language fundamentally lists modules (corresponding to Verilog modules that you want to instrument). Each module contains groups, which correspond to crosses in the coverage. Each group contains record statements, which tell ACov what signal to record, and what values of the signal you expect to see.

Single-line comments are introduced with // (like C++).


A module is declared with the following syntax:

module foo (a [10:0], b, c [1:0]) {
  // module contents here

This declares a module called foo with three inputs: a, b and c. The generated SystemVerilog module will have five input ports: clk, rst_n and the three specified in the module form. Multi-bit ports are specified as shown above: a is 11 bits wide, b is a single bit and c is two bits wide.


To record a single signal, use a record statement. It has several optional keywords. The full form looks like this:

record a + b as sum cover {1,2,3};

The only required argument for record is the expression to be recorded. This is expressed in standard Verilog syntax, but the width checking is slightly stricter than Verilog: binary operators expect both arguments to be the same width. As such, 2'd3 + 3'd3 is not equal to 3'd6 (as it would be in Verilog), but gives an error. To avoid such errors, pad the signals: {1'b0, 2'd3} + 3'd3 is equal to 3'd6 as you'd expect.

The first optional argument is the name under which to record the expression. If the recorded expression is a plain symbol, you don't have to supply a name; if the recorded expression is more complicated, you need one.

record my_signal;                    // OK. Recorded as "my_signal".
record 10'd1 + my_signal;            // ERROR: What should I call this?
record 10'd1 + my_signal as cabbage; // OK. Recorded as "cabbage"

The next optional argument is the set of values you want to see. This is called a cover list. If this is not specified, ACov assumes you want to see every value the signal can take (2 ** W where W is the width of the signal in bits). There's a sanity check that will moan at you if you don't specify a cover list for a signal wider than 16 bits, since you're clearly never going to hit every possible value.

The following cover lists all define the same set of numbers (zero to ten, inclusive):

cover {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
cover {0..10}
cover {0..9, 10}
cover {10, 0..9}
cover {0..4, 1..9, 4..10}

Instead of giving a cover list, you can specify cover bits. This means something akin to toggle coverage: we want to see each bit of the signal equal to zero and equal to one. For a signal of width W, specifying cover bits gives 2 * W bins.

Further record examples:

record c == 4'd10 as c_ten; // where c is 4-bit
record d[1:0] as d_LSBs cover {0..2};
record e[8:6] > 3'd5 && |f as e_thresh cover {1};


To specify a cross of multiple signals, use the group keyword. For example:

group {
  record foo cover {0, 1};
  record bar cover {0, 1};

This specifies a 2 by 2 cross with 4 bins in total.

Record statements in groups are slightly constrained: they cannot use cover bits to specify the expected coverage. This is because you can hit multiple bins with one record when using cover bits and it's a little unclear what a cross between that and another record would mean.


Often, you'll only want to record a signal when a particular event happens. The signal is always recorded on a posedge of clk when rst_n is true (which is less flexible than SystemVerilog's coverpoints), but you can further restrict when the record happens with the when keyword:

when (start_job) {
  record job_size;
  when (job_size > 4'd10) {
    record tiredness;

This example would only record job_size (some configuration parameter) when the job is started, rather than every cycle. Maybe there is also a tiredness parameter, which only matters when the job_size is bigger than 10. Note that the when blocks can be nested.


If you have two different instances of a module in your design and bind to them as suggested earlier in the document, you may have a problem because you expect different coverage points for the different instances.

To avoid this problem, use in blocks:

in "foo" {
  record a;
  in "bar" {
    record b;

This means that we will only require coverage for the signal a when the instance scope has "foo" as a substring. We'll only require coverage for the signal b when the instance scope also has "bar" as a substring.


Generator of functional coverage tracking code for Verilog projects







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