An octoDNS provider that targets Selectel DNS.
pip install octodns-selectel
Pinning specific versions or SHAs is recommended to avoid unplanned upgrades.
# Start with the latest versions and don't just copy what's here
# Start with the latest/specific versions and don't just copy what's here
-e git+https://[email protected]/octodns/octodns.git@9da19749e28f68407a1c246dfdf65663cdc1c422#egg=octodns
-e git+https://[email protected]/octodns/octodns-selectel.git@ec9661f8b335241ae4746eea467a8509205e6a30#egg=octodns_selectel
class: octodns_selectel.SelectelProvider
SelectelProvider supports A, AAAA, ALIAS, CNAME, MX, NS, SRV, SSHFP and TXT
SelectelProvider does not support dynamic records.
See the /script/ directory for some tools to help with the development process. They generally follow the Script to rule them all pattern. Most useful is ./script/bootstrap
which will create a venv and install both the runtime and development related requirements. It will also hook up a pre-commit hook that covers most of what's run by CI.