Welcome to the page of This is a free experimental client (User Agent) for lightnovel.cn. You can read your most favorite novels translated and shared by others.
Please support them as much as you can.
All Data belongs to LightNovel.cn
Please support them (clicking the ads in their webpage) too.
You are prohabited to do any commercial use, you must open source your code if they use this.
- Windows 10 (UWP x86,x64,ARM)
- Windows 8.1 (Deprecated,Windows Store)
- Windows Phone 8.1 (Windows Runtime Store App, Deprecated)
- Windows Phone 8.0 (Silverlight App, Deprecated)
The UI and functions varies in Platform, Deprecated Client will not receive further update from author.
If you encountered some issue in building the project, try install Multilingual app toolkit. This is an nasty dependency that should been removed, but still have some effect.
- Arc Earth
- We are very happy be incorporate with any one who are interested in this project, please contact the author directly.
- WinRTXamlToolkit by Filip Skakun, MIT License
- Json.Net by James Newton-King, MIT License
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