- Belly -Button-Challenge includes the dataset reveals that a small handful of microbial species (also called operational taxonomic units, or OTUs, in the study) were present in more than 70% of people, while the rest were relatively rare.
D3 library was used to read in samples.json from the url provided in the module.
- Create a horizontal bar chart with a dropdown menu to display the top 10 OTUs found in that individual.
- Use sample_values as the values for the bar chart.
- Use otu_ids as the labels for the bar chart.
- Use otu_labels as the hovertext for the chart.
- create a buble chart that displays each sample
- Use otu_ids for the x values.
- Use sample_values for the y values.
- Use sample_values for the marker size.
- Use otu_ids for the marker colors.
- Use otu_labels for the text values
- Display the sample's metadata, i.e., an individual's demographic information.
- Loop through each key-value pair from the metadata JSON object and create a text string.
- Append an html tag with that text to the #sample-metadata panel.
- After updating the metadata demographic info inculdes :- ID,ETHNICITY,GENDER,AGE,LOCATION,BBTYPE,WFREQ rows in a box.
- updated all the plots which were created such as : horizontal bar chart, bubble chart and demographic info in the dashboard.
- References:- Class Recordings : Zoom cloud