Using ML and DL to extract information from documents mostly invoices on Windows platform.
Python 3.4+ installed globally.
Add conda to path or open the project using the Anaconda prompt. But Anaconda is a heavy utility, you can choose miniconda.
Install miniconda, then add conda to path or open the project using the miniconda prompt
Install the latest version of tessaract OCR into the C directory and add the path (C:\Program Files \Tesseract-OCR) to both System and User environment variables in Windows. Download the additional eng_layer.traineddata file and add it to C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata
- Clone the repository or downlaod the zip file from GitHub
git clone
- Open a Terminal window in the same folder as the downloaded code. Create a conda environment from the yml file and activate it as follows
conda env create -f env.yml
conda activate data-extraction
Add the invoice to examples subfolder.
To run the application.
python --file [filename relative path]
- Example
python --file examples\airtel_june_2012.pdf
- Results are stored in results.txt and table.csv within runs/detect/exp* directories.