The typescript SDK for AnimeSwap v1 protocol.
yarn add ""
import { SDK } from '';
const sdk = new SDK('', NetworkType.Devnet)
(async () => {
const APTOS = '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'
const BTC = '0x16fe2df00ea7dde4a63409201f7f4e536bde7bb7335526a35d05111e68aa322c::TestCoinsV1::BTC'
const output = await sdk.swap.isPairExist(APTOS, BTC)
If pair not exists, tx will create pair first
(async () => {
const APTOS = '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'
const BTC = '0x16fe2df00ea7dde4a63409201f7f4e536bde7bb7335526a35d05111e68aa322c::TestCoinsV1::BTC'
const isPairExist = await sdk.swap.isPairExist(APTOS, BTC)
if (isPairExist) {
// Add liqudity with a given rate
const amountIn = 1e8
const output = await sdk.swap.addLiquidityRates({
coinX: APTOS,
coinY: BTC,
fixedCoin: 'X', // 'X' | 'Y'
amount: amountIn, // fixedCoin amount
output type:
amount: Decimal
coinXDivCoinY: Decimal
coinYDivCoinX: Decimal
shareOfPool: Decimal
const txPayload = sdk.swap.addLiquidityPayload({
coinX: APTOS,
coinY: BTC,
amountX: amountIn,
amountY: output.amount,
slippage: 0.05, // 5%
output type: tx payload
} else {
// Create pair and add initial liquidity
const txPayload = sdk.swap.addLiquidityPayload({
coinX: APTOS,
coinY: BTC,
amountX: 1e8, // any amount you want
amountY: 1e7, // any amount you want
slippage: 0.05, // 5%
output type: tx payload
(async () => {
const APTOS = '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'
const BTC = '0x16fe2df00ea7dde4a63409201f7f4e536bde7bb7335526a35d05111e68aa322c::TestCoinsV1::BTC'
const lpAmount = 1e6
const output = await sdk.swap.removeLiquidityRates({
coinX: APTOS,
coinY: BTC,
amount: lpAmount, // lp amount
output type:
amountX: Decimal
amountY: Decimal
const txPayload = sdk.swap.removeLiquidityPayload({
coinX: APTOS,
coinY: BTC,
amount: lpAmount,
amountXDesired: output.amountX,
amountYDesired: output.amountY,
slippage: 0.05, // 5%
deadline: 30, // 30 seconds
output type: tx payload
Swap exact coin to coin mode
(async () => {
const APTOS = '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'
const BTC = '0x16fe2df00ea7dde4a63409201f7f4e536bde7bb7335526a35d05111e68aa322c::TestCoinsV1::BTC'
const aptosAmount = 1e6
const trades = await sdk.route.getRouteSwapExactCoinForCoin({
fromCoin: APTOS,
toCoin: BTC,
amount: aptosAmount,
if (trades.length == 0) throw("No route error")
const bestTrade = trades[0]
bestTrade type:
coinPairList: LiquidityPoolResource[]
amountList: string[]
coinTypeList: string[]
priceImpact: Decimal
const output = sdk.route.swapExactCoinForCoinPayload({
trade: bestTrade,
slippage: 0.05, // 5%
output type: tx payload
Swap coin to exact coin mode
(async () => {
const APTOS = '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'
const BTC = '0x16fe2df00ea7dde4a63409201f7f4e536bde7bb7335526a35d05111e68aa322c::TestCoinsV1::BTC'
const btcAmount = 1e6
const trades = await sdk.route.getRouteSwapCoinForExactCoin({
fromCoin: APTOS,
toCoin: BTC,
amount: btcAmount,
if (trades.length == 0) throw("No route error")
const bestTrade = trades[0]
bestTrade type:
coinPairList: LiquidityPoolResource[]
amountList: string[]
coinTypeList: string[]
priceImpact: Decimal
const output = sdk.route.swapCoinForExactCoinPayload({
trade: bestTrade,
slippage: 0.05, // 5%
output type: tx payload
(async () => {
const queryAddress = '0xA11ce'
const output = await sdk.swap.getAllLPCoinResourcesByAddress(queryAddress)
output type:
coinX: AptosResourceType
coinY: AptosResourceType
lpCoin: AptosResourceType
value: string
(async () => {
const APTOS = '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'
const BTC = '0x16fe2df00ea7dde4a63409201f7f4e536bde7bb7335526a35d05111e68aa322c::TestCoinsV1::BTC'
const queryAddress = '0xA11ce'
const output = await sdk.swap.getLPCoinAmount({
address: queryAddress,
coinX: APTOS,
coinY: BTC,
output type:
coinX: AptosResourceType
coinY: AptosResourceType
lpCoin: AptosResourceType
value: string
(async () => {
const APTOS = '0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin'
const BTC = '0x16fe2df00ea7dde4a63409201f7f4e536bde7bb7335526a35d05111e68aa322c::TestCoinsV1::BTC'
const output = await sdk.swap.getLPCoinAPY({
coinX: APTOS,
coinY: BTC,
output type:
apr: Decimal
windowSeconds: Decimal