I'm Androz2091 (a.k.a Simon). I'm from Toulouse, France and I'm now studying at EPFL, Switzerland.
🗒️ My blog
👨💼 My freelancer page
🟢 ismyserverworki.ng ?
Alongside the software projects presented below, I spend a lot of time maintaining my own cloud server.
🕸️ My k8s cluster
I spent most of my time working on open-source software, such as:
- AtlantaBot, another Discord BOT
- Notifications pour Pronote, an app for French students available on iOS and Android.
- Discord Data Package Explorer, to extract statistics from your Discord data package
- Scratch For Discord, to make a Discord BOT without any coding knowledge
- ManageInvite, a +15,000 servers Discord BOT to manage your server invites
- and more like discord-giveaways, discord-player, discord-backup, discord-logs, discord-invites-tracker, discord-temp-channels, discord-sync-commands...
When I need to build things, I usually go for Vue.js to code my websites and
Node.js with
TypeScript for my bots and APIs. My favorite database is definitely
I love discovering languages or frameworks that increase my productivity for my new projects such as Svelte, Golang, Flutter or tools like Sentry so feel free to send me a message with your recommendations on Discord or Twitter! 😁