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Welcome to RetroRings, an RPG-themed project developed by team try{CatchUs} for the #CodedexSummerHackathon2024. This project is part of Track 3: Predict 2024 Olympic Champions. Our team comprises three dedicated developers:

This project was done in 24 hours.

Ready to analyze & predict the Olympics? Check out RetroRings in action!

Project Structure

Data Analysis & Prediction API

Our backend API is built using FastAPI, with data analysis performed using Pandas and predictions generated using a PyTorch model.

  • Location: api folder
  • Tech Stack: FastAPI, Pandas, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn

API Routes

  • All the API routes are GET accessible, refer to the API Docs for info about available endpoints.

Data Visualization UI

Our frontend application is built using Next.js, React, and TailwindCSS, with Chart.js for data visualization. It provides an intuitive interface to visualize the predictions from our API.

  • Location: app folder
  • Tech Stack: Next.js, React, TailwindCSS, Chart.js

Usage Instructions

How it works?

  • Deploy the FastAPI app.
  • Integrate the API host to environment variables.
  • Deploy the Next.js app.


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd tryCatchUs
  2. Backend (API) Setup

    cd api
    pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    uvicorn app:app --reload
  3. Frontend Setup

    cd app
    npm install
    npm run dev
  4. Access the application

    • API:
    • Frontend: http://localhost:3000


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


We would like to thank the #CodedexSummerHackathon2024 for organizing this amazing hackathons.


Feel free to reach out to us for any queries or collaboration opportunities!