The Goal here is for 50 days to Create one of these projects picked at random by ChatGPT to enhance coding skills, each day will include the reference files of the project
- I can't look at any of the code for the reference projects until my version is complete
- Once completed I'll look at the reference code and compare and write a report on my struggle
- redo the Project if there are alternative ways to solve it or if it doesn't match the reference results
- At most a project can take up to 3 days and each day I must commit an update of the project
- Upload to GitHub at least once each day
#The list of projects:
- 3D Navbar Animation
- Blob Effect Micro Interaction
- Calculator
- cardHover
- coffe landing page
- Cup Animation
- customized scrollbar
- DeadPool
- Digital Clock
- Download Button MI
- Emoji Rating
- Expandable Gallery
- fb_clone
- Food_Landing_Page
- Gamepad
- glassmorphism card
- Gradient Buttons MI
- Guess A number
- Hamburger Animation
- headset-project
- Infinity Loader Animation Using Three.js copy
- Jelly Button Animation Using GSAP
- LoginForm
- loginForm-project
- Movie Slider
- Neon Animation
- Oddly Satisfying Loader
- parasite
- personal_portfolio_red
- portfolios
- Pure CSS_ Cute 3D Button
- Rainbow Gradient Glowing Effect
- random image generator
- resto
- rockpaperscissors
- Saas App HTML Landing Page
- Shiny Loader
- Sliding Arrow On Button Hover Effect
- socials
- Spinner Orbits
- Spinning Squares
- Star Rating Interaction
- Theme_Portfolio
- todo list
- toggle
- Typing Animation
- video background
- Waves Loader
- Weather-App