๐ This repository contains a basic implementation for an interactive classroom-game using Googles Word2Vec implementation. ๐ฎ
This project aims to create a dynamic and engaging learning experience for participants by challenging their word vector manipulation skills. Contestants compete in rounds where they're given a target word and a set of forbidden words. The goal is to construct formulas using words (represented as vectors) and mathematical operations, aiming to get as close to the target word as possible without using any of the banned words. The contestant with the formula closest to the target word emerges victorious in each round.
- Hosts (teachers, presenter) can register and create quizzes with multiple rounds, each featuring a unique target word and specific constraints on word usage
- Participants (students, attendees) can register for quizzes via a QR-code, join games, and submit their formulas during each round under a time limit
- Hosts have the ability to start quizzes, broadcast rounds, and receive live answers from players in real-time
- The server allows blazing fast verification of words to always make sure the used words exist in the vector database
- Responsive and intuitive user interface crafted using Angular implemented in TypeScript while always trying to use best practices
- Encrypted password submission and Bearer token rotation using JWT for each request to increase security
- Real time communication between Players and Hosts with Websockets and RESTful APIs
- Docker for containerization for local development and stable deployment to Dokku
Before getting started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:
You can install Anular globally by running the following command in your shell:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Follow these steps to set up the project:
Install prequisites
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://gitlab.uzh.ch/ltwa-hs23/sandrinraphael.hunkeler/webappcl-client.git
Change into the cloned repository directory:
cd webappcl-client
Install project dependencies:
npm install
Build & start the web server:
run start
Open your favorite browser and have fun! ๐
- Make sure Docker Desktop is running
- Open Powershell in repository directory
- Build the docker image
docker build -t webappcl-client:latest .
- Deploy the docker image
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 webappcl-client:latest
- Open browser to check the deployment