/ABOUT/ Project created for the Bootcamp - Full Stack Developer at GeeksHubs Academy: Create a SPA for a game using OOP. The player can choose among a minimum of four diferent fighters that combat with several options (hit, defend, etc). Display must show points and damage . Five minimum views (start, select player, chosen player, combat, winner)). Use HTML5, CSS3, JS.
- container-fluid => Superficie del juego
- logo => Imagen de inicio para arrancar el juego
- warriors => Contiene a todos los guerreros
- pic => imagenes de cada uno de los guerreros
- showWarriors => muestra los guerreros seleccionados
- main => Superficie del juego
- screenBoard1 => Pantalla1
- screenBoard2 => Pantalla2
- screenBoard3 => Pantalla3
- screenBoard4 => Pantalla4
- screenBoard5 => Pantalla5
- screenBoard6 => Pantalla6
- screenBoard7 => Pantalla7
- chosenWarrior => Guerreros elegidos para el combate
- warrior => clase a la que corresponden los elementos guerreros