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my_bot: Differential Drive Mobile Robot


my_bot is a ROS 2 (Humble) package for a differential drive mobile robot, encompassing both simulation and real hardware implementations. The package integrates SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), Nav2 for localization and navigation, ball tracking, joystick control, and a web-based interface for remote operation and visualization.


  • Simulation: I've used Gazebo Classic for robot simulation.
  • SLAM and Navigation: The bot leverages SLAM and Nav2 for real-time localization and navigation.
  • Ball Tracking: Computer vision techniques are in place for ball detection and tracking.
  • Web Controller: My friend Tushar built a cool web-based interface that lets you control and monitor the robot over a local network using ROS 2 websocket and video server packages.
  • Joystick Control: If you're more into manual control, you can use a joystick to drive the bot.


If you're looking for more details on how to build this, check out the Articulated Robotics website.

The hardware implementation is still a work in progress.

Also, I'm in the process of migrating to the latest Gazebo environment.


Thanks to:

  • Mr. Josh Newans for his awesome articulated robotics guide that helped me to do this project.
  • Tushar for building the web-based controller.
  • Everyone who has shared their knowledge in ROS 2

Thanks for checking out my_bot! If you have any feedback or want to collaborate, feel free to reach out. 🚀