YouTube Channel All Videos Info like Name, Views & Link
How to Get/Export/Copy/Extract Titles, URLs and Views of any YouTube Channel without needing to install anything and just using your browser. This can video can help you a lot in order to extract all titles, URLs and views of the YouTube videos from any channel
Console of Browser
🔷 Step 1:
var scroll = setInterval(function(){ window.scrollBy(0, 1000)}, 1000);
🔷 Step 2:
window.clearInterval(scroll); console.clear(); urls = $$('a'); urls.forEach(function(v,i,a){if ("video-title-link" && v.href){console.log('\t'+new Date().toLocaleDateString()+'\t'+v.title+'\t'+v.href+'\t'+v.__shady_native_innerHTML.match(/aria-label=\"(.+?)\"/g)?.[0].match(/[\d,]+ views/g)[0]+'\t')}});