This library extends System.Text.Json to make it easier to serialize polymorphic types. Especially when working with type hierarchies that are not easily described using attributes.
This library works with type hierarhies described using attributes as well as using dependency injection extensions.
To use it, register Urbanite using DIExtension
and then use AddUrbaniteSerializableType
to register types that should be serialized polymorphically and couldn't be described using attributes.
interface IAnimal { }
class Dog : IAnimal { }
class Cat : IAnimal { }
services.AddUrbaniteSerializableType<IAnimal, Dog>("dog");
services.AddUrbaniteSerializableType<IAnimal, Cat>("cat");
To serialize polymorphically, use JsonSerializerOptions
with PolymorphicTypeResolver
class JsonOptionsConfiguration : IConfigureOptions<JsonOptions>
private readonly PolymorphicTypeResolver _resolver;
public JsonOptionsConfiguration(PolymorphicTypeResolver resolver)
_resolver = resolver;
public void Configure(JsonOptions options)
options.JsonSerializerOptions.TypeInfoResolver = _resolver;
To change type discriminator property name, use the JsonPolymorphic
[JsonPolymorphic(TypeDiscriminatorPropertyName = "$my_discriminator")]
interface IBase{}
To make swagger work with polymorphic types, use Urbanite.Extensions.Swagger
It will configure swagger to use PolymorphicTypeResolver
to describe polymorphic types (selecting derived types and type discriminators).
And set polymorphic type handling to use All of for inheritance.