Entropy is a collection of utilites that have proven to be useful
make check
make install
- Compiler supporting C++14, tested against GCC 5.2.0 and clang 3.7.0
- boost, tested against 1.60.0 optionally
- gtest and gmock, compiled and installed as shared library, tested against scm version after merger, TODO
- python 3.3 or newer, tested against 3.5.1
- libuv 1.x or newer, tested against 1.8.0
A heirarchy of exceptions built on top of boost Exception which allow for tag based information to be attached
ENTROPY_EXCEPTION_BASE(NameofModule, "ModuleName:);
ENTROPY_EXCEPTION(TypeOfError, "Description", NameofModule);
ENTROPY_ERROR_INFO(Extrainfo, std::string);
ENTROPY_ERROR_INFO(MoreExtraInfo, int);
ENTROPY_THROW(TypeOfError("This is a description of THIS error") <<
ExtraInfo(val) <<
to output all attched error information as well as exception::what() when -DDEBUG
catch(std::exception &e)
cout << e << endl;
###Log Built on top of boost Log to allow serverity based logging
test/Log/trivial.cc for an example of usage
###Module Allows for easy definition/implementation of plugins
define an Interface e.g. test/Module/interface.hh
Import<interface> module("name of module.so");
then just interact w/ the module as if it was a pointer to the interface
###Python The beginnings of a library for interacting w/ python, intended to allow the implementation of a Python based module system matching above
###Net Built partially ontop of libuv, still under construction
##To Do
- Implement PyModule
- Python wrappers
- Interface wrapper for python
- Static implementation of Net
- Implement Asio
- Client
- Server
- Client
- Server
- File?
- Configuration of Log
- Parsing of ArgC/ArgV in Entropy::Application