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Dijkstra's Algorithm usinig Fibonacci Heap

About Project:-

  • The program takes input from an external file.
  • The file contains the number of vertices, and the a list of edges in the following format (tail, head, length)
  • The source and destination vertices are taken as input from the terminal.
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm is run of the created graph.
  • Distance, path, and time taken are displayed in the terminal.

Files in the project:-

  • FibonacciHeap.cpp : Fibonacci Heap Data Structure
  • DijkstraFibHeap.cpp : Dijkstra's Implemented using Fibonacci Heap
  • BinaryHeap.cpp : Binary Heap Data Structure
  • DijkstraBinaryHeap.cpp : Dijkstra's Implemented using Binary Heap

How to run the project:-

Fibonacci Heap Implementation

  • g++ DijkstraFibHeap.cpp FibonacciHeap.cpp -o fib
  • ./fib.exe graph.dat

Binary Heap Implementation

  • g++ DijkstraBinHeap.cpp BinaryHeap.cpp -o bin
  • ./bin.exe graph.dat

Quick Analysis:-

  • The running time complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm when implemented using Binary Heap is:-
    O(VlogV+ElogV) = O(ElogV)
    VlogV to perform Extract_Min
    ElogV to perform Decrease Key

  • The running time complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm when implemented using Fibonacci Heap is:-
    O(|E| + |V| log |V|)
    VlogV to perform Extract_Min
    E to perform Decrease Key

The latter is smaller for fairly dense graphs (i.e. graphs where V = o(E))

Some Important Links


Dijkstra's Algorithm using Fibonacci Heap






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