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Configuring stackline

adamwagner edited this page Jan 17, 2021 · 16 revisions

The stackline config file is a plain lua file. The default configuration is loaded from stackline/conf.lua.

conf.lua has 3 sections:


Specify paths to binaries & scripts without mucking around in the stackline source.


Customize indicator sizing, coloring, positioning, roundness, animation durations, form factor, etc


Enable/disable fuzzy frame detection, click-to-focus, or the hacky workaround for a troublesome Hammerspoon bug. The ability to enable/disable features will be especially useful for upcoming features such as displaying window titles during switching.

The main benefit is that you won't have to put up with bugs in a feature that you don't even use (see #41).

Initialize Stackline with custom config

Let's assume that you think the icon indicators use up too much valuable screen real estate. This is an easy issue to fix!

Create a local variable in your init.lua to hold your customizations. I'll call mine myStackline, but you may name yours whatever you wish.

stackline = require "stackline.stackline.stackline"

local myStackline = {
    appearance = { 
      showIcons = false,       -- default is true
    features = {
        clickToFocus = false,  -- default is true
        fzyFrameDetect = {
            fuzzFactor = 25    -- default is 30


Values that you set in this table will override Stackline's default config. Note that this table must adhere to the config schema (which can be found in stackline/configmanager.lua). If invalid config options are passed, Stackline a macOS notification will let you know, and the details will be printed to the Hammerspoon console:

2020-10-10 12:19:14: 12:19:14 ERROR:sline.conf: Invalid stackline config:
  appearance = {
    myCoolSetting = "is not allowed."

Config validation & live-tweaking

All config values can be edited while stackline is running (similarly to yabai).

Values can be set using the hs cli tool:

hs -c "stackline.config:set('appearance.radius', 3)"

All config fields support get(key), set(key, val), and getOrSet(key, [val]).

In addition, boolean fields support toggle()

# Toggle boolean values with the hs cli
hs -c "stackline.config:toggle('appearance.showIcons')"

You can get and set nested config fields by passing a dot-separated string path, like this: features.fzyFrameDetection.enabled

Config fields validated when stackline initializes and when config values are set live.

If a provided settings path does not exist, stackline will find the most similar setting that does exist and notify you:


The default config

c = {}
c.paths = {}
c.appearance = {}
c.features = {}
c.advanced = {}

-- Paths
c.paths.getStackIdxs                  = hs.configdir .. '/stackline/bin/yabai-get-stack-idx'
c.paths.jq                            = '/usr/local/bin/jq'
c.paths.yabai                         = '/usr/local/bin/yabai'

-- Appearance
c.appearance.color                    = { white = 0.90 }    -- Indicator background color, e.g., {red = 0.5, blue = 0 }
c.appearance.alpha                    = 1                   -- Opacity of active indicators
c.appearance.dimmer                   = 2.5                 -- Higher numbers increase contrast b/n focused & unfocused state
c.appearance.iconDimmer               = 1.1                 -- Higher numbers dim inactive icons *less* than the non-icon indicators
c.appearance.showIcons                = true                -- Window indicator style ('lozenge'-shaped when false)
c.appearance.size                     = 32                  -- Size of window indicators (height when icons off)
c.appearance.radius                   = 3                   -- Indicator roundness. Higher numbers → *less* roundness… I'm sorry
c.appearance.iconPadding              = 4                   -- Space between icon & indicator edge. Higher numbers → smaller, more inset icons
c.appearance.pillThinness             = 6                   -- Aspect ratio of pill-style icons (width = size / pillThinness)

c.appearance.vertSpacing              = 1.2                 -- Amount of vertical space between indicators

c.appearance.offset                   = {}                  -- Offset controls position of stack indicators relative to the window
c.appearance.offset.y                 = 2                   -- Distance from top of the window to render indicators
c.appearance.offset.x                 = 4                   -- Distance away from the edge of the window to render indicators

c.appearance.shouldFade               = true                -- Enable/disable fade animations
c.appearance.fadeDuration             = 0.2                 -- Duration of fade animations (seconds) 

-- Features
c.features.clickToFocus               = true                -- Click indicator to focus window. Mouse clicks are tracked when enabled
c.features.hsBugWorkaround            = true                -- Workaround for

c.features.fzyFrameDetect             = {}                  -- Round window frame dimensions by fuzzFactor before identifying stacked windows
c.features.fzyFrameDetect.enabled     = true                -- Enable/disable fuzzy frame detection
c.features.fzyFrameDetect.fuzzFactor  = 30                  -- Window frame dimensions will be rounded to nearest fuzzFactor

c.features.winTitles                 = 'not_implemented'    -- Valid options: false, true, 'when_switching', 'not_implemented'
c.features.dynamicLuminosity         = 'not_implemented'    -- Valid options: false, true, 'not_implemented'

c.advanced.maxRefreshRate             = 0.3                 -- How aggressively to refresh Stackline. Higher = slower response time + less battery drain

return c

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