NOTE: This plugin is no longer under active development. See BigWarps instead.
SmallWarps is a simple warps plugin designed for PvE minecraft servers. It allows players to warp to their bed or the world spawn, and mods can create and use named warps. Returning to death point is also supported, and players can teleport request each other.
/spawn - warp to spawn
/home - warp to spawn bed
/back - return to previous warp point or death point
/tpa - request to teleport
/tpaccept - accept a teleport request
/tpdeny - deny a teleport request
/tpcancel - cancel a teleport request
/mkwarp - create a mod warp
/rmwarp - remove a warp
/warp - warp to a mod warp
/lswarps - list mod warps
/tp - passthrough to vanilla tp, but records player position for /back
Curious as to why this readme looks so bad? So am I. Look at the source then compare to how it renders, and you'll be even more confused.