Axie Infinity Manager, is a currency/cryptocurrency calculator and inventory manager, to manage your investment in Axie Infinity.
Developers: If you want to edit/use code source get your Exchange Rate API_KEY at : , then paste it into currency_api_key variable (under CurrencyExchanger class, update_conversion_rate function)
Users: Download the repository or only the executable "AxieInfinity_Manager.exe", put it in a directory and run it.
You navigate pages by choosing a number from command list.
Main -> Enter currency/cryptocurrency exchanger. || Enter inventory.
Currency Exchanger -> you can swape from USD to MAD | from MAD to USD | from SLP to USDT | from USDT to SLP. Notice: when you made a swape the value is copied into your clipboard, so you can use it later.
Inventory -> Show your inventory (shows your capital investment, earning and the remaining you have to earn in order to reach your initial capital) || Edit your capital investment || Add your earning from the game || Add SLP earning to your inventory doesn't have an effect on remaining. Notice: there's no currency preference the amounts are saved as you enter them (that's why exchanger exist).
- Add GUI (started in ai_calculator_GUI, not finished yet).
- Add dates.
- Add ROI.