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This is the configurations for most apps that I use in Linux setup.
This configurations is simple and straightforward, nothing too crazy or hard to use.
There's some personal taste in this configurations like the keys moving around (hjkl) and some other things


This configurations can be added step by step to your device (Recommended to be Linux)

You can copy the files using cp command like so:

# for adding zsh configurations
cp .zshrc .zprofile .zshenv .zsh 

Config directory

For the config directory it's different than other files, I recommend not doing the approach that I mentioned for other things as it'll delete all your other configurations in the .config directory (that why I named it config not .config so if you did it it doesn't effect the original one)

Recommended approach:

cp config/* ~/.config

And it'll replace the configurations that you had if the configurations were also in the apps in config directory.
If you have configurations you want to keep that also were added in config you have to go through the config directory and pick the you need exactly then use cp command to copy them into your .config directory.

Used apps

  • alacritty
  • awesome
  • bash
  • bashtop
  • bat
  • bspwm
  • btop
  • cointop
  • gh
  • htop
  • i3 (requires polybar & picom)
  • kitty (requires picom)
  • lf
  • neofetch
  • neovim (submodules to repo)
  • picom
  • polybar
  • powerline
  • qalculate
  • qtile
  • ranger
  • rofi
  • tmux
  • vieb
  • vim
  • xmobar
  • xmonad
  • zsh

Bash & zsh aliases

Alias Command Bash zsh
emacs emacs -nw [x] [x]
lv laravel [x] [x]
py python3 [x] [x]
pip pip3 [x] [x]
fl flutter [x] [x]
ra ranger [x] [x]
ls, la, l, ll, lt, lla, lta lsd [x] [x]
mkdir mkdir -p [x] [x]
.., ..., ...., ..... cd {back} [x] [x]
.{number} cd {back} [x] [x]

zsh plugins

Status of the configurations

+ alacritty
+ awesome
+ bash
+ bashtop
+ bat
+ bspwm
+ btop
+ cointop
+ doom emacs
+ gh
+ git
- htop
+ i3
+ kitty 
- lf
+ neofetch
+ neovim 
+ picom
- polybar
+ powerline
+ qalculate
- qtile
+ ranger
- rofi
+ tmux
+ vieb
+ vim
+ wakatime (bash)
+ wakatime (bash)
- xmobar
- xmonad
+ zsh