Empowering philathrophy with transparent, secure donations through our blockchain-based crowdfunding platform by leveraging Hedera's decentralized network and Gitcoin's quadratic funding match model.
This project was built using the following technologies.
- Streamlit
- Node.js
- Javascript
- Hedera SDK
- GitCoin
- Python
🔗 Simple Tracking of Ledger with Hedera SDK
📱 Hosted on Streamlit
🖥️ Used advantages of Web3 to make secure & decentralized transactions
🖥️ Used a similar variation of GitCoin's quadratic funding formuala to provide a democratized allocation of funding opportunities to open-source projects/social campaigns.
git clone [repo]
Then let's start with setting up the backend
cd Backend\src
npm i
This will download all your required libraries
Then find yourself back to the parent folder and install Python environment
python -m venv .venv
Close and re-open terminal. It should auto open you into your virtual environment
pip install streamlit
Now you're ready to deploy!
streamlit run main.py
Play around with adding donations! For the currently available Hedera Accounts, you can see your funds updating live on HashScan! Check ours out here:
https://hashscan.io/testnet/account/0.0.5906653?app=false&p2=1&pt=1&ph=1 https://hashscan.io/testnet/account/0.0.5906771?app=false&p2=1&ph=1&pt=1 https://hashscan.io/testnet/account/0.0.5906772?app=false&ph=1&p2=1&pt=1&p1=1&k1=1700409879.048807821