is a desktop app for business owners to manage their suppliers and goods.
Optimized for command-line-interface usage. Information is packaged nicely into a GUI interface, with colors! Also, compatible with world's most popular data sheet, Excel.
- Maintain a of list of suppliers and their contact information
- Keep track of the goods that you have ordered from each supplier
- Able to load supplier and goods information easily with Excel
- Able to filter goods and save them to Excel
- Able to save changes instantaneously to Excel
- Written with Functional Programming & Object-Oriented Programming
- Written with test cases to ensure no uneventful mishaps
- Documentation up to date with the latest changes
For the detailed documentation of this project, see the SupplyCentral Product Website.
- This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.