Topic/issue involves a 0-day security issue and must be addressed immediately
Topic/issue involves an ABI (Application Binary Interface) breakage
Afterglow (AOSC OS for legacy devices) related
Pending AOSA (AOSC OS Security Advisory) assignment
Topic/issue is opened and build-tested automatically via autopr
Topic/issue has been blocked by another pending change/issue
Topic/issue involves a bug
Topic/issue to be handled by CIP United employees
Topic/issue involves package dependency
Further discussion needed
Topic/issue involves a package downgrade
Topic/issue involves a package pending for droppage
Topic/issue is a duplicate of an existing one
Topic/issue involves an AOSC OS enhancement
Topic/issue involves an expected update
Request for an AOSC OS feature
File conflict between packages
Experimental topics not intended for stable
Package fails to build from source
Topic contains a fix for a known issue
Help or suggestions needed
Issue currently being worked on
Needs further information/clarification
Issue is not valid or could not be reproduced
Issue currently under investigation