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Rewrite fnc_unpackMortar part 1/x
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marceldev89 committed Jul 3, 2016
1 parent 8925dc4 commit a865eea
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 85 deletions.
204 changes: 119 additions & 85 deletions addons/sup_combatsupport/fnc_unpackMortar.sqf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,112 +2,146 @@

File: fn_unpackStaticWeapon.sqf
Author: Dean "Rocket" Hall, updated by Tupolov
Function which uses a weapon team to pack a static weapon such
as the HMG or Mortar. Requires three personnel in the team as
a minimum (leader, gunner, assistant).
_this select 0: the support team group (group)
_this select 1: location to place gun (position)
_this select 2: location of target (position)
File: fn_unpackStaticWeapon.sqf
Author: Dean "Rocket" Hall, updated by Tupolov
Function which uses a weapon team to pack a static weapon such
as the HMG or Mortar. Requires three personnel in the team as
a minimum (leader, gunner, assistant).
_this select 0: the support team group (group)
_this select 1: location to place gun (position)
_this select 2: location of target (position)
private ["_group","_position","_targetPos","_leader","_units","_gunner","_assistant","_weapon"];
private _group = _this param [0, grpNull];
private _position = _this param [1, grpNull];
private _targetPos = _this param [2, grpNull];

//diag_log str(_this);

_group = [_this, 0, grpNull] call bis_fnc_param;
_position = [_this, 1, grpNull] call bis_fnc_param;
_targetPos = [_this, 2, grpNull] call bis_fnc_param;
_weapon = [_this, 3, grpNull] call bis_fnc_param;
_units = (units _group);

if (vehicle _x != _x) then {
doGetOut _x;
if (_x getVariable ["supportWeaponGunner",objNull] == _weapon) then {
_gunner = _x;
if (_x getVariable ["supportWeaponAsst",objNull] == _weapon) then {
_assistant = _x;
} foreach _units;

if (isNil "_gunner" || isNil "_assistant") exitWith {
diag_log "Someone from the mortar team died";
// reduce mortar count
// TODO: Perhaps leader could pick up an other role if needed?
if (count (units _group) < 3) exitWith {
// TODO: is supportWeaponCount needed?
_sptCount = _grp getVariable ["supportWeaponCount",3];
_grp setVariable ["supportWeaponCount", _sptCount - 1];

diag_log "unpackMortar: cannot assemble, requires 3 units"

[_gunner, _assistant, _targetPos, _weapon, _group] spawn {
private _assembleTo = "";
private _disassembleTo = [];
private _backpacks = [];

private _backpack = unitBackpack _x;

if (!isNull _backpack) then {
private _cfg = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _backpack >> "assembleInfo" >> "assembleTo");
private _assembleToValue = _cfg call BIS_fnc_getCfgData;

private ["_gunner","_assistant","_pos","_tPos","_wait","_dirTo","_sptarr","_weapont", "_weapon","_grp","_timein","_timer","_sptCount"];
if (!isNil "_assembleToValue" && {count _assembleToValue > 0}) then {
private _cfg = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _assembleToValue >> "assembleInfo" >> "dissasembleTo");
private _disassembleToValue = _cfg call BIS_fnc_getCfgData;

_gunner = _this select 0;
_assistant = _this select 1;
_tPos = _this select 2;
_weapont = typeOf (_this select 3);
_grp = _this select 4;
if (!isNil "_disassembleToValue" && {count _disassembleToValue > 0}) then {
_disassembleTo = _disassembleToValue;

waitUntil{sleep 0.1; _gunner call ALiVE_fnc_unitReadyRemote};
_backpacks pushBack (typeOf _backpack);
} forEach (units _group);

_gunner disableAI "move";
private _canAssemble = true;

_assistant disableAI "move";
if (!(_x in _backpacks)) exitWith {
_canAssemble = false;
} forEach _disassembleTo;

if (!_canAssemble) exitWith { diag_log format ["unpackMortar: cannot assemble %1! NEED: %2 HAS: %3", _assembleTo, _disassembleTo, _backpacks] };

private _weapon = objNull;
private _leader = leader _group;
private _units = (units _group) - [_leader];
private _gunner = _units select 0;
private _assistant = _units select 1;
private _timeout = -1;

{_x doMove ([_position, 0, 5, 0, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos)} forEach (_units + [_leader]);

private _unitsReady = false;
_timeout = time + 60;
while {!_unitsReady} do {
if (time >= _timeout) exitWith {
doStop _x;
_x setPos ([_position, 0, 5, 0, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos);
} forEach (_units + [_leader]);

// Break out of forEach as soon as unit is not "ready"
if (!(_x call ALiVE_fnc_unitReadyRemote)) exitWith {
_unitsReady = false;

_unitsReady = true;
} forEach (_units + [_leader]);

sleep 0.1;

_assistant setpos (position _gunner);
// TODO: change MOVE to PATH post A3 1.62 release?
_gunner disableAI "MOVE";
_assistant disableAI "MOVE";

_assistant setUnitPos "Middle";
private _assistantBackpack = unitBackpack _assistant;
_assistant action ["PutBag"];

_assistant action ["PutBag",_assistant];
_gunner action ["Assemble",unitbackpack _gunner];
_timeout = time + 5;
while {!isNull (unitBackpack _assistant)} do {
if (time >= _timeout) exitWith {
// TODO: handle timeout
sleep 0.1;

_wait = true;
_timein = true;
_timer = time;
while {_wait && _timein} do {
_weapon = (nearestObjects [position _gunner, [_weapont], 3]) select 0;
if (!isNil "_weapon") then {
if (alive _weapon) then {_wait = false};
if (time-_timer > 60) then {_timein = false};
sleep 1;
_gunner action ["Assemble", _assistantBackpack];

if (!_timein && _wait) then {
diag_log format["unpack timedout %1",(nearestObjects [position _gunner, [], 3])];
removeBackpackGlobal _gunner;
removeBackpackGlobal _assistant;
_weapon = createVehicle [_weapont, position _gunner, [], 3, "NONE"];
private _assembledEH = _gunner addEventHandler ["WeaponAssembled", {
private _unit = _this param [0, objNull];
private _weapon = _this param [1, objNull];

_sptarr = _grp getVariable ["supportWeaponArray",[]];
_sptarr pushback _weapon;
_grp setvariable ["supportWeaponArray", _sptarr];
_unit setVariable ["assembledWeapon", _weapon];

_dirTo = [position _weapon, _tPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_timeout = time + 5;
while {isNull _weapon} do {
if (time >= _timeout) exitWith {
// TODO: handle timeout
_weapon = _gunner getVariable ["assembledWeapon", objNull];
sleep 0.1;

sleep 5;
_gunner assignAsGunner _weapon;
_gunner moveInGunner _weapon;
sleep 5;
_gunner removeEventHandler ["WeaponAssembled", _assembledEH];

_gunner commandWatch _tPos;
private _dirTo = [position _weapon, _targetPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
_weapon setDir _dirTo;

_assistant selectWeapon "Binocular";
sleep 6;
_assistant commandWatch _tPos;
_assistant setDir _dirTo;
_gunner assignAsGunner _weapon;
_gunner moveInGunner _weapon;
_gunner commandWatch _targetPos;

_gunner setVariable ["unpacked", true];
_assistant setVariable ["packAssistant", false];
_assistant setUnitPos "Middle";
_assistant setDir _dirTo;
_assistant commandWatch _targetPos;

// diag_log str(_grp getVariable ["supportWeaponArray",[]]);
_leader selectWeapon "Binocular";
_leader setUnitPos "Middle";
_leader setDir _dirTo;
_leader commandWatch _targetPos;


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