This project is an app which allows users to investigate Taylor Swift's discography over time.
Updated versions of R data files with newer songs can be found as part of the Taylor package for R.
Accessible at this URL using to host.
Required packages
install.packages(c("shiny", "tidyverse", "plotly"))
Run from /taylor_swift_app/app.R - markdown file containing technical information, background, and methodology for this project
mariah_ts_ideas.Rmd - ideas file for Mariah Loehr
anu_ts_ideas.Rmd - ideas file for Anu Jajodia
taylor_albums.rda - R data object containing album names and features
taylor_all_songs.rda - R data object containing all of Taylor's songs and Spotify API features
billboard.Rmd - file containing scraping process for obtaining Billboard chart data
billboard_albums.csv - CSV file containing scraped album information from Billboard
billboard_songs.csv - CSV file containing scraped song information from Billboard
final_project.pdf - PDF file containing instructions given by Claire Kelling as part of STAT220 at Carleton College
album_thumbnails - folder containing Taylor image displayed on homepage and album thumbnails as JPG files
taylor_swift_app - folder containing Shiny app deployment files
app.R - Shiny app part of the current release of this product
billboard_albums.csv - repeated above
billboard_songs.csv - repeated above
taylor_albums.rda - repeated above
taylor_all_songs.rda - repeated above
rsconnect - folder containing deployment files
www - folder containing images for app.R