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Releases: ACastanza/PvpAlerts

PvpAlerts 3.14.0

25 Jan 07:03
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Lots and lots of code refactoring

PvpAlerts 3.12.0

24 Jul 01:44
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What's Changed

Switch to using ZOS cached math and string functions to mitigate performance impact.
Optimizations to 3D system object rendering.
Miscellaneous performance optimizations and cleanup

Full Changelog: U42-V2...U42-V3

Edit: 3.12.2 contains bugfixes for a UI error that could occur when the important attack system was triggered by a player that had not been logged in the database.

U42-V2 GuildMate Detection

09 Jun 20:48
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What's Changed

Support showing Guildmates in the KOS/COOL list. This works just like the previous behavior for showing players on your friends list.
This option and the behavior to show friends is toggleable from the Miat's Pvp Alerts Addon Menu settings under KOS Frame Options.
Also added the ability to disable showing player notes in the KOS frame.
Showing GuildMates may have some minor performance impact, if this is not acceptable I recommend toggling the behavior to OFF.

Full Changelog: U41-V3...U42-V2

U42 - Gold Road API Release

03 Jun 05:56
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  • Adopt API changes from U42 Documentation
  • Implement Caching System for Kill Feed sourced Database Updates to mitigate performance impact
  • Attempt to mitigate performance impact of repeated checks against PlayerDB table.
  • Enable PlayerDB Cleanup function
  • Misc Bugfixes
  • Backport refactor of COOL/Friends list processing from upstream branch to fix inconsistent behavior in player notes display

Full Changelog: U41-V3...U42-V1


30 Mar 20:04
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PlayerNotes UI Implementation

  • Added a UI front end for managing player notes accessible from the right click menu on character/player names! Huge thanks to Alianym for allowing me to use some essential code from their Custom Item Notes addon!
  • /pvpnote remove command changed to /pvpnote delete
  • Fixed Alignment Issues with Capture Frame
  • Fixed Alignment Issues with PVP_Counter Frame
  • Fixed a longstanding UI error when switching people from COOL to KOS lists

Full Changelog: U41-V2...U41-V3


19 Mar 00:09
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Small Bugfix Release - Increment to version 3.9.8

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing PVP Notes from appearing if you were grouped with the player
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the New Attacker Count frame
  • Removed some unused code from the UI XML file

U41 API Version and PVP Notes Feature

12 Mar 03:27
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This version adds a new slash command /pvpnote that saves per-account notes about players in the KOS/COOL lists and displays them alongside the character name in the KOS/COOL UI frame.

Player Notes are managed as follows:
/pvpnote add @name Whatever note you want to display adds a note
/pvpnote remove @name removes the note for that @name
/pvpnote show @name prints your note for that @name to chat
/pvpnote list prints all notes to chat
/pvpnote clear deletes all saved notes

U40-V3 Account Name Display Options

10 Feb 20:09
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This release adds a new setting: "User Display Name Type Preference".
This provides several options "Character", "Account", and "Character@Account", this will be used for all the UI frames where PvpAlerts displays the name of a player. Previously these were all hard-coded to use the character name, so this should provide some more flexibility, and enable you to set PvpAlerts to be consistent with the rest of your UI. By default this will be set to "Character" to preserve consistency with the previous UI behavior.
Additionally a small change has been made to how the KillFeed reports player names; now by default it will inherit the setting for "User Display Name Type Preference", with a new option for the previous "Kill Feed Name Type Preference" called "Link". This behavior is explained in the tooltip, and is the new default option for this parameter.


24 Jan 08:01
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Small performance improvement in the check for Emperorship for the Killfeed/Player Nameplates.
Fixed killfeed text in the Imperial City Sewers when no location token is reported by the killfeed API.

Inactive by Default PlayerDatabase cleanup Function!
This release includes a tested and working function to clean up the PlayerDatabse.

PvpAlerts logs every character you encounter for every player you encounter in any PVP zone to a database in the saved variables. If you've been running PvpAlerts for any significant length of time this database will likely have become quite large. To the point where the game will actually struggle to write it out when SavedVariables are written to disk at the end of sessions. This can actually cause some savedvariables files for other addons later in the save chain to become corrupted. In my case, the PvpAlerts database was over 25MB, and had started to cause the game to disconnect on character swapping after being in a PVP zone.
A new PlayerDatabse cleanup function has been implemented to address this. It handles the cleanup in two stages, first it makes use of the Alliance rank tracking information that was added in the August 27th, 2023 U39 Improvements v5 Release. Any character that doesn't have a stored alliance rank will be dropped from the database (as will any player that this will cause to have zero saved characters). Secondly, going forward, characters will now log a "last encountered" datestamp. After 732 days (two years and two days) without encountering a given character in a PVP Zone, the character will be purged from the database.
Neither of these cleanup actions will affect any characters/players that have been added to either the KOS or COOL lists, those will be retained indefinitely

In this release of the addon it will begin logging "last encountered" datestamps, but will take no further cleanup actions.

If you wish to enable the cleanup function early, open PvpAlerts.lua and uncomment PVP:Purge_PlayerDB() on line 3756.
Once this line is uncommented, it will purge any characters without a known Alliance rank, then back-fill "last encountered" datestamps with the current date for any remaining characters to prevent these more recently encountered characters from being purged until at least 2026.
As long as this line remains uncommented, the cleanup function will monitor and remove any characters that haven't been seen within the prescribed timeline.
I tentatively expect to enable this function by default following the release of the Gold Road chapter.

U40-V1 - Add Icon to Indicate Active Emperor

26 Dec 03:03
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The Miat's ReticleOver player name display and Kill Feed, will now display a color coded (by faction) imperial diamond next to the name of whoever is the active campaign emperor.
