Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Arts
Fall 2017 :: Tu/F 10a - 12p :: SAGE 2411 :: Office Hours Tu/F 9a - 10a in WH 314
Create anything, seriously. And stretch what the common definitions of art and code mean/could mean. Modify this - make pull request, change, update, improve.
We're a mix of many people with many backgrounds with many levels of experience. We'll use the Open Code of Conduct which breaks down to the following list; although, I would encourage following the link to read the details. It's a common practice in many FLOSS and similar software communities.
- Be friendly and patient
- Be welcoming
- Be considerate
- Be respectful
- Be careful in the words that we choose
- Try to understand why we disagree
Be a reasonable person as described at Carnegie Mellon's CS site: Reasonable Person Principle
Also check RPI Library's Safari On-line collection for these.
- Programming Interactivity. 2ND Edition. Joshua Noble.
- Github Guide
- GIT Reference
- GIT Tutorial
- GIT Visual CheatSheet
- GitHub GIT CheatSheet
- Github help
- Git Simple
- Another Reference
- git video
- Markdown?
- I use Sublime Text to edit outside of Github with Markdown Extended and Markdown Preview.
- Syntax/Cheatsheet
- Github specific
- Quicktime and/or for non OSX users
- OBS Studio