*Landscape reading for the sidebar
This project was made by Group 9, Section 4, EGR100, 2023 Spring.
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Reduce calculation time; have various functional calculations, including commonly used addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as more advanced and complex calculation methods.
The basic calculation methods are here, the common addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can help you solve problems quickly.
Addition (usually signified by the plus symbol ‘+’) is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic, the other three being subtraction, multiplication and division.
Subtraction is the process of taking away a number from another. It is a primary arithmetic operation that is denoted by a subtraction symbol (-) and is the method of calculating the difference between two numbers.
Multiplication can be understood as adding many times, for example, 3 multiplied by 4 can be thought as three four-phase additions, or four three-phase additions.
Division can be thought as to find how many small amounts are needed to accumulate to this larger number. For example, 20 divided by 4 is 5. We can think it as there are four 5 in this 20.
There are some more features makes it A Better Calculator. They are on the top bar as ±
This calculator also can calculate any number include the negative or positive. User can use the plus or minus to control the negative or positive.
This calculator also has the function of using trigonometric functions, which can be achieved by clicking the required button.
This can also calculate the radians and angles. We have that options to let user change their requirement.
Taking an input of a decimal number (numerical system based on 10) and convert it to a hexadecimal (numerical system based on 16).
Taking an input of a decimal number (numerical system based on 10) and convert it to a binary number (numerical system based on 2).
This calculator has the function of recording historical data. You can find and use the results of previous calculations.
The most unique aspect of this calculator is that it can play music while the user is using it. We add a music in it, so if user study for a long time they might feel tired, then he/she can click the button to play the music. This music is also carefully selected by us, hope all user like it!