autozsnap Public
Automatically create ZFS snapshots and delete old ones. Perfectly for running with cron every 5 minutes
awesome-nix Public
Forked from nix-community/awesome-nix😎 A curated list of the best resources in the Nix community [maintainer=@cyntheticfox]
awesome-osint Public
Forked from jivoi/awesome-osint😱 A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT
birch Public
Forked from dylanaraps/birchAn IRC client written in bash
board-n-pieces Public
Forked from MDLC01/board-n-piecesA Typst package to display chessboards.
bspswallow Public
Forked from JopStro/bspswallowdwm-like swallowing for bspwm
carrierabuse Public
Forked from Motophan/carrierabuseCarrier Abuse Lookup Emails
dotfiles-1 Public
Forked from raexera/yoruMy AwesomeWM Configuration Files ✨
dwm-flexipatch Public
Forked from bakkeby/dwm-flexipatchMy dwm for the dotfiles repo
enola Public
This is Sherlock's sister, Modern shiny CLI tool written with Golang to help you: 🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
eza Public
Forked from eza-community/ezaA modern, maintained replacement for ls
- Public
Forked from hercules-ci/ of the website
go-email-validator Public
Forked from go-email-validator/go-email-validator📧 Golang Email address validator
hugo-theme-terminal Public
Forked from panr/hugo-theme-terminalA simple, retro theme for Hugo
hyprland-flake Public
personal hyprland flake
InnerTune Public
Forked from Malopieds/InnerTuneA fork of InnerTune, a Material 3 YouTube Music client for Android
keyfreq-colemak Public
Forked from KirmTwinty/keyfreqTrack Emacs commands frequency
lc0 Public
Forked from LeelaChessZero/lc0The rewritten engine, originally for tensorflow. Now all other backends have been ported here.
Simple [M]onadic [O]caml [P]arser Combinator
Visualize your most used commands
nixos-landscape Public
Forked from nix-community/nixos-landscapeThe Landscape of NixOS and associated projects
nixpkgs Public
Forked from NixOS/nixpkgsNix Packages collection & NixOS
NUR Public
Forked from nix-community/NURNix User Repository: User contributed nix packages [maintainer=@Mic92]