99designs/gqlgen is both a library and a tool for generating Go GraphQL servers from GrahpQL schema.
The wider community has created many others tools and libraries to enhance and extend gqlgen.
This README contains a curated list of awesome 99designs/gqlgen community contributions, only some of which are in this repository.
- 99designs/gqlgen/plugin/modelgen - Generate go model type from GraphQL schema
- 99designs/gqlgen/plugin/resolvergen - Generate go resolver from GraphQL schema
- 99designs/gqlgen/plugin/federation - Generate go Apollo Federation resolver from GraphQL schema
- ravilushqa/otelgqlgen - OpenTelemetry instrumentation for 99designs/gqlgen
- gqlapollotracing - Apollo tracing instrumentation for 99designs/gqlgen
- gqlopencensus - OpenCensus instrumentation for 99designs/gqlgen
- gqlopentracing - OpenTracing instrumentation for 99designs/gqlgen
- prometheus - Prometheus instrumentation for 99designs/gqlgen
- fasibio/autogql - CRUD SQL generator plugin
- Warashi/compgen - gqlgen plugin designed to simplify the generation of ComplexityRoot.
- StevenACoffman/gqlgen_plugins - some Internal Khan Academy plugins that might be useful to others.
- Ent - Ent, entity framework for Go, GraphQL plugin
- Khan/genqlient - Generate go GraphQL client from GraphQL query
- infiotinc/gqlgenc - Generate go GraphQL client from GraphQL query
- Yamashou/gqlgenc - Generate go GraphQL client from GraphQL query
- Code-Hex/gqldoc - Generate Markdown GraphQL documents from GraphQL schema
- dataloader - DataLoader implementation for Go
- dataloadgen - Implementation of Facebook's DataLoader in Golang
- dataloaden - Implementation of Facebook's DataLoader in Golang
- go-dataloader - Implementation of Facebook's DataLoader in Golang
- gqlgo/gqlfmt - Format GraphQL file
- gqlgo/querystring -
finds a GraphQL query in your files.
- gqlgo/lackid - Detect lack of id in GrahpQL query
- gqlgo/deprecatedquery - About
finds a deprecated query in your GraphQL query files. - gqlgo/optionalschema - About
finds optional fields and arguments in your GraphQL schema
- gqlgo/gqlanaylsis - Static analysis Go library for GraphQL, inspired by go/analysis
- graphql-go-tools - Apollo Federation Gateway Replacement in Go
- Nautilus - Go Federated GraphQL Gateway
- Bramble - Go Federated GraphQL Gateway
- vektah/gqlparser - GrahpQL schema and query parser
- Yamashou/gqlgenc/introspection - GraphQL instrospection query parser
- Yamashou/gqlgenc/graphqljson - GrahpQL JSON encoder and decoder