A simple C++ 11 Thread Pool implementation
- An effective task dependence relation management
- A simple task priority schedule algorithm
- std::future to obtain asynchronous task results
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ThreadManager threadpool(4);
auto Compare = [](int left, int right){return left > right;}
auto task_future = threadpool.PostJob(1, 5, std::list<int>{}, Compare, 1, 2);
std::cout<< task_future->get() <<std::endl;
when you want to post a job to thread pool, take ThreadManager::PostJob. Consider the following function prototype:
* taskid: task id
* prior: task prior(0~9)
* dependency: task denpency,which contain dependent task id
* f worker function
* args: function params
* std::future<decltype(f(args...))> future to get asynchronous taks results
template<typename F, typename... Args>
auto PostJob(int taskid, int prior, std::list<int> dependency, F && f, Args &&... args) -> std::future<decltype(f(args...))>
download th source code, then use 'make' under the top level directory of this repo