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C Library for 4D Systems ViSi-Genie Environment


This library provides high level functions for host controllers programmed in the C programming language, to ease communication with 4D Systems modules when using the module configured with ViSi-Genie. Workshop4 PRO adds additional features to ViSi-Genie, allowing the User to write 4DGL code which can be executed at will from ViSi-Genie, enabling many advanced features not previously possible. Please refer to the 4D Systems website, namingly the Workshop 4 Product Page, for documentation regarding Workshop 4, and its environments.

Setup Instructions

The main library requires a couple of functions to be setup.

  • unsigned long millis(void);
    • returns the system time in milliseconds
  • uint16_t genieGetByteCount(void);
    • returns the number of bytes present in the UART RX buffer
  • uint8_t genieGetByte(void);
    • returns the next byte and take it out of the buffer
  • uint8_t geniePeekByte(void);
    • returns the next byte and retain the current buffer
  • void geniePutByte(uint8_t);
    • sends a byte to the display module

Example Demos

Inside the library are example demos for different Platforms/IDEs, to assist with getting started on using this library. Inside is also a ViSi-Genie Workshop4 project, which can be used on a range of 4D Systems displays (designed on a gen4-uLCD-32PT however can be changed via Workshop4 menu). It illustrates how to use some of the commands in the library include Read Object, Write Object, Reported Messages, Write Contrast and Write String.

Tested with

This library can be easily adapted (or may work as-is) to/with many MCU's running C.

If you've tested this library with other development platforms, please don't hesitate to notify us so we can update the compability list.

  • This library has been tested on the STM32F030.
  • Customer tested using Infineon / Cypress CY8C6245AZI-S3D72 MCU with ModusToolbox Eclipse environment.

Any problems discovered with this library, please contact technical support from the 4D Sytems website so fixes can be put in place, or seek support from our forum.

Compatible 4D Systems Display Modules

This library will work with all 4D Systems Modules which are capable of using the ViSi-Genie environment. This is therefore all Picaso, Diablo16, Pixxi-28 and Pixxi-44 Display Modules. The demo included with this library was made for the uLCD-32PTU however can easily be adapted to other size displays.

General Library Discussion

This section serves to give brief discussion about the constructor and functions included in the library. For functional examples on how to use these functions in a project, refer to the examples folder.


Prepares the variables used by the library to it's initial states and values. This also attempts to sync with the display. Returns 'true' if successful, otherwise, this returns 'false'.

// Check if the display doesn't sync successfully
if (!genieBegin()) {
    // Usually, the display will sync as long as all the extern functions
    // are working as required. However, in case it doesn't, you can process
    // necessary actions here (ex. resetting the display)

genieWriteContrast(uint16_t value)

Sets the display contrast/brightness to a new value

Parameters Description
value New brightness/contrast value. The range of this value depends on the 4D display, Typically 0-15 Range
genieWriteContrast(0); // Sets the contrast/brightness value to 0, effectively turning off the backlight
genieWriteContrast(10); // Sets the contrast/brightness value to 10, about 2/3 max brightness

genieReadObject(uint16_t object, uint16_t index)

Sends a request to read the value of the widget specified by object (ex: GENIE_OBJ_GAUGE) and index. The value will be sent as a GENIE_REPORT_OBJECT command.

A full list of available objects (ex: GENIE_OBJ_GAUGE, GENIE_OBJ_SLIDER etc) can be found at the bottom of this Readme.

Parameters Description
object Type of target widget
index Index number of target widget
genieReadObject(GENIE_OBJ_GAUGE, 0); // Request a report of the widget Gauge0

genieWriteObject(uint16_t object, uint16_t index, uint16_t data)

Updates the widget, specified by object (ex: GENIE_OBJ_GAUGE) and index, to a new value specified by data

A full list of available objects (ex: GENIE_OBJ_GAUGE, GENIE_OBJ_SLIDER etc) can be found at the bottom of this Readme.

Parameters Description
object Type of target widget
index Index number of target widget
data New value for the target widget
genieWriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_GAUGE, 0, 50); // Sets Gauge0 to 50

genieWriteShortToIntLedDigits(uint16_t index, int16_t data)

Updates the Internal LedDigits specified by index to a new 16-bit value, specified by data. The widget parameter Format in ViSi Genie project should be set to Int16. Internal LedDigits are availble for Diablo and Pixxi displays.

Parameters Description
index Index number of target Internal LedDigits
data New 16-bit integer value for the target Internal LedDigits
genieWriteShortToIntLedDigits(0, 50); // Sets ILedDigits0 to 50

genieWriteFloatToIntLedDigits(uint16_t index, float data)

Updates the Internal LedDigits specified by index to a new 32-bit float value, specified by data. The widget parameter Format in ViSi Genie project should be set to any Float option. Internal LedDigits are availble for Diablo and Pixxi displays.

Parameters Description
index Index number of target Internal LedDigits
data New 32-bit float value for the target Internal LedDigits
genieWriteFloatToIntLedDigits(0, 3.1416f); // Sets ILedDigits0 to 3.1416

genieWriteLongToIntLedDigits(uint16_t index, int32_t data)

Updates the Internal LedDigits specified by index to a new 32-bit integer value, specified by data. The widget parameter Format in ViSi Genie project should be set to Int16. Internal LedDigits are availble for Diablo and Pixxi displays.

Parameters Description
index Index number of target Internal LedDigits
data New 32-bit integer value for the target Internal LedDigits
genieWriteLongToIntLedDigits(0, 1000000L); // Sets ILedDigits0 to 1000000

genieWriteStr(uint16_t index, char *string)

Updates the String widget specified by index with a new character string specified by string

Parameters Description
index Index number of target String
string Character pointer containing the text to print in the String widget
genieWriteStr(0, "Sample String"); // Set text in String0 to "Sample String"

genieWriteStrU(uint16_t index, uint16_t *string)

Updates the String widget specified by index with a new Unicode (16-bit) character string specified by string

Parameters Description
index Index number of target String
string Character pointer containing the text to print in the String widget
uint16_t * unistr = {0x0034, 0x0044, 0x0020, 0x30B7, 0x30B9, 0x30C6, 0x30E0, 0x30BA, 0};
genieWriteStr(2, unistr); // Writes the Unicode string "4D システムズ" to String2

genieWriteInhLabelDefault(uint16_t index)

Updates the Inherent Label widget specified by index with the default contents defined in Workshop4

Parameters Description
index Index number of target Inherent Label
genieWriteInhLabelDefault(1); // Set text in ILabelB1 to default String

genieWriteInhLabel(uint16_t index, char * string)

Updates the Inherent Label widget specified by index with a new character string specified by string

Parameters Description
index Index number of target Inherent Label
string Character pointer containing the text to print in the Inherent Label widget
genieWriteInhLabel(0, "Sample String"); // Set text in ILabelB0 to "Sample String"

genieAttachEventHandler(UserEventHandlerPtr handler)

Attach an event handler to handle messages from the display (ex. GENIE_REPORT_EVENT and GENIE_REPORT_OBJECT). Ideally, the handler function doesn't do anything that blocks for a long period since this would cause the command handling to be delayed.

Parameters Description
userHandler Pointer to the handler function. The function should follow the format void userHandler()
  • Usage Example

    genieAttachEventHandler(myGenieEventHandler); // Attach the event handler
                                                  // for processing messages
  • Handler Function Example

    void myGenieEventHandler(void)
        genieFrame Event; // Prepare a genie frame container
        genieDequeueEvent(&Event); // Store next message from display to 'Event'
        // Process event here (quickly), see example below
        // Check if the message stored in 'Event' is a GENIE_REPORT_EVENT from  Slider0
        if (genieEventIs(&Event, GENIE_REPORT_EVENT, GENIE_OBJ_SLIDER, 0))    
            // Receive the event data from the Slider0
            slider_val = genieGetEventData(&Event);
            // Write Slider0 value to LedDigits0
            genieWriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0, slider_val);

Please refer to the demos provided for more context of what this looks like when implemented.


This handles all the receiving of messages from the display and therefore should run as frequent as possible. This also calls the event handlers attached using AttachEventHandler, AttachMagicByteReader and AttachMagicDoubleByteReader This should be run in your main loop() or in a controlled function which runs as often as possible.

void loop()
    static long waitPeriod = millis();
    genieDoEvents(); // Run as frequently as possible for best experience

    if (millis() >= waitPeriod)
        // Update the display here

        // Ensure that this code block only runs after ~100ms
        waitPeriod = millis() + 100;

genieEventIs(genieFrame * e, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t object, uint8_t index)

Returns true if the command stored in genieFrame e matches the criteria specified by cmd, object and index. Otherwise, returns false.

Parameters Description
e Pointer to a genieFrame structure that specifies where the event under evaluation is stored
cmd Specifies the type of command expected of the message
object Specifies the type of widget from which the event is from
index Specifies the index of widget from which the event is from
// Check if the message stored in 'Event' is a GENIE_REPORT_EVENT from Slider0
if (genieEventIs(&Event, GENIE_REPORT_EVENT, GENIE_OBJ_SLIDER, 0))    
    // Receive the event data from the Slider0
    slider_val = genieGetEventData(&Event);
    // Write Slider0 value to LedDigits0
    genieWriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0, slider_val);

genieDequeueEvent(genieFrame * buff)

Remove the next message from the queue and store it to genieFrame buff. This function should be used inside the custom event handler.

Parameters Description
buff Pointer to a genieFrame structure that specifies where the next event should be stored

See AttachEventHandler for an example.

genieGetEventData(genieFrame * e)

Retrieves the 16-bit value from genieFrame e

Parameters Description
buff Pointer to a genieFrame structure that specifies where the data to read is from

See AttachEventHandler for an example.


Returns the status of the connection between the display and the host controller.

// Check if the display is online before writing to a widget
if (genieOnline())    
    // Write newval to LedDigits0
    genieWriteObject(GENIE_OBJ_LED_DIGITS, 0, newval);


Returns the amount of time in milliseconds that the display is connected

// Prints a message containing the amount of time the display is connected
printf("The display is online for %lu milliseconds\n", genieUptime());


Returns the last detected form

// Prints a message containing the amount of time the display is connected
printf("The display is in Form%d\n", genieCurrentForm());

genieActivateForm(uint8_t form)

Sends a WriteObject command to active the specified form

Parameters Description
forum Index number of target form
genieActivateForm(5); // Activates Form5

genieAttachDebugger(UserDebuggerHandlerPtr handler)

Attach a printf debugger to handle debug messages from the library.

Parameters Description
handler Pointer to the handler function. The function should follow the format void userHandler()
genieAttachDebugger(printf); // Attach a printf function as debugger
                             // for printing library messages

genieRecover(uint8_t pulses)

Sets the amount of time in milliseconds used by the library to ping the display when offline

Parameters Description
pulses Ping interval in milliseconds when display is offline
genieRecover(50); // Sets the library to ping the display
                  // every 50 ms when disconnected

genieTimeout(uint16_t value)

Sets the amount of time in milliseconds used by the library when waiting for incoming acknowledgement response (ACK or NACK)

Parameters Description
value Timeout period in milliseconds to use when waiting for response
genieRecover(50); // Sets the library to ping the display
                  // every 50 ms when disconnected


Attempts to sends a ReadObject to read the current form as a ping request. The ping will not be sent if the next ping cycle time hasn't been reached.

geniePing(); // Usually not needed since the library
             // handles this automatically

ViSi Genie Pro Library Discussion

genieAttachMagicByteReader(UserMagicByteHandlerPtr handler)

Attach an event handler to handle magic bytes from the display. Magic Bytes needs to be programmed using Magic features (ex. MagicTouch, MagicRelease, etc.) of ViSi Genie.

It is suggested to store the data and process them later on to prevent a blocking delay.

Parameters Description
userHandler Pointer to the handler function. The function should follow the format void UserBytePtr(uint8_t, uint8_t)
  • Usage Example

    // Attach the event handler for processing magic bytes
  • Handler Function Example

    byte buffer0[255]; // Temporary buffer 0 to store the magic bytes
    byte buffer1[255]; // Temporary buffer 1 to store the magic bytes
    void myMagicByteHandler(uint8_t index, uint8_t len)
        // If the magic bytes is coming from MagicObject0
        if (index == 0) {
            // Store the data to buffer0
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                buffer0[i] = genieGetNextByte();
        // If the magic bytes is coming from MagicObject1
        if (index == 1) {
            // Store the data to buffer1
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                buffer1[i] = genieGetNextByte();

genieAttachMagicDoubleByteReader(UserMagicDByteHandlerPtr handler)

Attach an event handler to handle Magic Double Bytes from the display. Magic Double Bytes needs to be programmed using Magic features (ex. MagicTouch, MagicRelease, etc.) of ViSi Genie.

It is suggested to store the data and process them later on to prevent a blocking delay.

Parameters Description
userHandler Pointer to the handler function. The function should follow the format void UserBytePtr(uint8_t, uint8_t)
  • Usage Example

    // Attach the event handler for processing magic double bytes
  • Handler Function Example

    uint16_t buffer0[255]; // Temporary buffer 0 to store the magic double bytes
    uint16_t buffer1[255]; // Temporary buffer 1 to store the magic double bytes
    void myMagicDoubleByteHandler(uint8_t index, uint8_t len)
        // If the magic double bytes is coming from MagicObject0
        if (index == 0) {
            // Store the data to buffer0
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                buffer0[i] = genieGetNextDoubleByte();
        // If the magic double bytes is coming from MagicObject1
        if (index == 1) {
            // Store the data to buffer1
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {                  
                buffer1[i] = genieGetNextDoubleByte();


This function can be utilized to receive next incoming byte from the display. This should be used when receiving magic bytes in the user byte handler.

See AttachMagicByteReader for an example.


This function can be utilized to receive next two (2) incoming bytes from the display. This should be used when receiving magic double bytes in the user double byte handler.

See AttachMagicDoubleByteReader for an example.

genieWriteMagicBytes(uint16_t index, uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t len)

Send magic bytes with size len to MagicObject specified by index. The specified MagicObject should be programmed to handle the magic bytes that will be sent by this function.

Parameters Description
index Index of MagicObject that is programmed to receive and process the data
bytes Pointer to a byte array that specifies where the data is stored
len Specifies the number of bytes to send
uint8_t bytes[] = {0x34, 0x44, 0x20, 0x53, 0x79, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x6d, 0x73};
genieWriteMagicBytes(0, bytes, 10); // Writes 10 magic bytes to MagicObject0

genieWriteMagicDBytes(uint16_t index, uint16_t *dbytes, uint16_t len)

Send magic * bytes* with size len to MagicObject specified by index. The specified MagicObject should be programmed to handle the magic bytes that will be sent by this function.

Parameters Description
index Index of MagicObject that is programmed to receive and process the data
dbytes Pointer to a 16-bit array that specifies where the data is stored
len Specifies the number of double bytes to send
uint16_t dbytes[] = {0x0034, 0x0044, 0x0020, 0x30B7, 0x30B9, 0x30C6, 0x30E0, 0x30BA};
genieWriteMagicDBytes(1, dbytes, 8); // Writes 8 magic double bytes to MagicObject1

Available Library Object Types

This section lists all of the objects/widgets that are available to be used by this library, which represent each of the widgets available to be placed using the Workshop4 IDE.

These object names are inserted into the ReadObject and WriteObject functions (listed above), and data received back from them presents itself in the AttachEventHandler function.

For more information on each of the actual Widgets in Workshop4, please refer to the Workshop4 Widgets Reference Manual - available on the Workshop4 Product page of the 4D Systems website.

Object Name Description
GENIE_OBJ_DIPSW Dip Switch Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ROCKERSW Rocker Switch Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ROTARYSW Rotary Switch Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ANIBUTTON Animated Button Widget
GENIE_OBJ_SMARTGAUGE Smart Gauge Widget (PRO Only)
GENIE_OBJ_SMARTSLIDER Smart Slider Widget (PRO Only)
GENIE_OBJ_SMARTKNOB Smart Knob Widget (PRO Only)
GENIE_OBJ_ILED_DIGITS_H Internal LED Digits Widget - High Byte
GENIE_OBJ_ILED_DIGITS_L Internal LED Digits Widget - Low Byte
GENIE_OBJ_IANGULAR_METER Internal Angular Meter Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IGAUGE Internal Gauge Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ILED Internal LED Widget
GENIE_OBJ_INEEDLE Internal Needle Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IRULER Internal Ruler Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ILED_DIGIT Internal LED Digit Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ILED_DIGITS Internal LED Digits Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IBUTTOND Internal Button D Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IDIAL Internal Dial Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISWITCH Internal Switch Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISLIDERE Internal Slider E Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IBUTTONE Inherent Button E Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ITOGGLE_INPUT Inherent Toggle Input Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ILABELB Inherent Label B Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IUSER_GAUGE Inherent User Gauge Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IMEDIA_BUTTON Inherent Media Button Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IMEDIA_GAUGE Inherent Media Gauge Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IMEDIA_THERMOMETER Inherent Media Thermometer Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IMEDIA_ROTARY Inherent Media Rotary Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IMEDIA_LED Inherent Media LED Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IMEDIA_SLIDER Inherent Media Slider Widget
GENIE_OBJ_IROTARY_INPUT Inherent Rotary Input Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISWITCHB Inherent Switch B Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISLIDERH Inherent Slider H Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISLIDERG Inherent Slider G Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISLIDERF Inherent Slider F Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISLIDERD Inherent Slider D Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ISLIDERC Inherent Slider C Widget
GENIE_OBJ_ILINEAR_INPUT Inherent Linear Input Widget


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ViSi-Genie - C Library







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