52 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
- Add support for LDAP tls @dm3ch (#154)
- comment out FLASK_APP env var to run once as a script @robandpdx (#175)
- Support emu accounts by adding EMU_SHORTCODE env var @robandpdx (#173)
- launch config for debugging @robandpdx (#177)
- only trigger codeql scans on pull_request @robandpdx (#174)
- fix formatting @robandpdx (#176)
- Okta: USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE: Allow email and make compatible @seanorama (#158)
- #161 disable prereleases in Pipfile @primetheus (#162)
- pipenv update certifi cryptography setuptools werkzeug @seanorama (#160)
- Update Pipfile requirements in the README @primetheus (#144)
- docs: README.md typos @johnnyhuy (#140)
🚀 Features
- Add ability to filter based on group prefixes @primetheus (#180)
- added support for Google Workspaces @primetheus (#179)
- Add the possibility of adding organizations to the syncmap file @GolanTrevize10 (#137)
🧰 Maintenance
- Fix broken dependencies @primetheus (#178)
See details of all code changes since previous release