A simple Andorid Device Info application.
API Name | Use |
android.annotation.SuppressLint |
used to suppress lint warnings or errors |
android.app.ActivityManager |
used to get information about the device's memory usage and running processes |
android.content.BroadcastReceiver |
used to receive and handle broadcast intents |
android.content.ClipboardManager |
used to manipulate the device's clipboard, such as copying or pasting text |
android.content.ClipData |
used to represent and manipulate the data stored in the clipboard |
android.content.Context |
used as a base class for activities and services, provides access to application-specific resources and services |
android.content.Intent |
used to represent and manipulate an action to be performed, such as starting a new activity or service |
android.content.IntentFilter |
used to filter and match incoming broadcast intents |
android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo |
used to get information about an installed application, such as the package name and version |
android.content.pm.PackageManager |
used to get information about installed applications and their permissions |
android.graphics.ImageFormat |
used to represent and manipulate image formats, such as JPEG or PNG |
android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException |
used to handle exceptions that can occur when accessing the device's camera |
android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics |
used to get information about the device's camera characteristics, such as the sensor size and resolution |
android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager |
used to interact with the device's camera subsystem, such as opening a camera device |
android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap |
used to get information about the device's camera stream configurations, such as supported sizes and formats |
android.hardware.Sensor |
used to represent and manipulate sensors, such as the accelerometer or gyroscope |
android.hardware.SensorEvent |
used to represent and manipulate sensor events, such as sensor data and accuracy |
android.hardware.SensorEventListener |
used to receive and handle sensor events |
android.location.Location |
used to represent and manipulate a geographic location |
android.location.LocationListener |
used to receive and handle location updates |
android.Manifest |
used to define app permissions in the app's manifest file |
android.net.ConnectivityManager |
used to get information about the device's network connectivity, such as the active network and connection type |
android.net.NetworkInfo |
used to represent and manipulate network connectivity information, such as the network type and availability |
android.net.TrafficStats |
used to get information about the device's network traffic, such as the number of bytes transmitted or received |
android.net.wifi.WifiInfo |
used to get information about the device's Wi-Fi connection, such as the SSID and signal strength |
android.net.wifi.WifiManager |
used to interact with the device's Wi-Fi subsystem, such as scanning for available networks |
android.opengl.GLES20 |
used to render and manipulate OpenGL graphics, such as 3D models and textures |
android.os.BatteryManager |
used to monitor the device's battery status, such as the battery level and charging state |
android.os.Build |
used to get information about the device's hardware and software, such as the device model and Android version |
android.os.Bundle |
used to pass data between activities and services using key-value pairs |
android.os.Environment |
used to access and manipulate the device's external storage, such as checking if a file exists or creating a new directory |
android.os.Handler |
Manages messages and runnables, allowing communication between different threads. |
android.os.StatFs |
Retrieves the state of a storage volume, such as the total and available space. |
android.os.SystemClock |
Provides a simple timing mechanism for the application. |
android.provider.Settings |
Allows access to system settings, such as device brightness or ringtone volume. |
android.telephony.TelephonyManager |
Retrieves information about the telephony services on the device, such as the SIM card state, network operator name, and phone number. |
android.util.DisplayMetrics |
Provides access to display metrics, such as screen density and dimensions. |
android.util.Log |
Allows logging of messages to the system log. |
android.util.Size |
Represents a size, in pixels, of a view or image. |
android.view.Display |
Provides information about the device's display, such as the size and rotation. |
android.view.WindowManager |
Provides access to the device's window manager, allowing manipulation of the windowing system. |
android.widget.TextView |
Displays text on the screen, with support for styling and formatting. |
android.net.ConnectivityManager |
Allows monitoring of network connectivity and the ability to start network requests. |
android.net.NetworkInfo |
Represents the current state of a network connection. |
android.net.TrafficStats |
Retrieves statistics on network traffic, such as the number of bytes transmitted or received. |
android.net.wifi.WifiInfo |
Retrieves information about the device's current Wi-Fi connection, such as the SSID and IP address. |
android.hardware.Sensor |
Represents a hardware sensor, such as an accelerometer or gyroscope. |
android.hardware.SensorEvent |
Provides data from a sensor event, such as the sensor type and the sensor's values. |
android.hardware.SensorManager |
Manages hardware sensors on the device, such as registering and unregistering sensor listeners. |
android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException |
An exception thrown when an error occurs while accessing the camera. |
android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics |
Provides information about the device's camera, such as the supported resolutions and available features. |
android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager |
Manages the device's cameras, allowing access to camera devices and camera sessions. |
android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap |
Provides information about the available image and video output formats and resolutions. |
android.location.Location |
Represents a geographic location, such as latitude and longitude. |
android.location.LocationListener |
Receives location updates from the system. |
android.location.LocationManager |
Manages location services on the device, such as registering and unregistering location listeners. |
You can download the demo app by clicking here.
Happy exploring!
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