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master --> Development is done continuously on this branch
release --> Fully tested released source code
release-candidate --> Preview of upcoming release
feature/* --> Alpha/beta of an upcoming feature
For more information on FreeRTOS, refer to the Getting Started section of FreeRTOS webpage.
To directly access the Getting Started Guide for supported hardware platforms, click the corresponding link in the Supported Hardware section below.
For detailed documentation on FreeRTOS, refer to the FreeRTOS User Guide.
For additional boards that are supported for FreeRTOS, please visit the AWS Device Catalog
The following MCU boards are supported for FreeRTOS:
- Texas Instruments - CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL.
- STMicroelectronics - STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT node.
- NXP - LPC54018 IoT Module.
- Microchip - Curiosity PIC32MZEF.
- Espressif - ESP32-DevKitC, ESP-WROVER-KIT, ESP32-WROOM-32SE
- Infineon - Infineon XMC4800 IoT Connectivity Kit
- Xilinx - Xilinx Zynq-7000 based MicroZed Industrial IoT Bundle
- MediaTek - MediaTek MT7697Hx Development Kit
- Renesas - Renesas Starter Kit+ for RX65N-2MB
- Cypress CYW54907 - Cypress CYW954907AEVAL1F Evaluation Kit
- Cypress CYW43907 - Cypress CYW943907AEVAL1F Evaluation Kit
- Cypress PSoC 64 - PSoC 64 Standard Secure AWS Wi-Fi Bluetooth Pioneer Kit
- Marvell MW320 - Marvell MW320 AWS IoT Starter Kit
- Marvell MW322 - Marvell MW322 AWS IoT Starter Kit
- Nordic nRF52840 DK - nRF52840 DK Development kit
- Nuvoton - NuMaker-IoT-M487
- Windows Simulator - To evaluate FreeRTOS without using MCU-based hardware, you can use the Windows Simulator.
- Requirements: Microsoft Windows 7 or newer, with at least a dual core and a hard-wired Ethernet connection
- Getting Started Guide
- IDE: Visual Studio Community Edition
The ./projects
folder contains the IDE test and demo projects for each vendor and their boards. The majority of boards can be built with both IDE and cmake (there are some exceptions!). Please refer to the Getting Started Guides above for board specific instructions.
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