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CZIP: EVM Calldata Zip


czip is an engine for compressing and decompressing EVM calldata. It is designed to be used in L2s to trade off calldata size for computation cost.

The primary component of czip is the decompressor.huff contract, which is a Huff contract that inflates the calldata. It works by implementing a simple state machine that, in a single pass, decompresses the input. The operations of the state machine are specifically designed to work with EVM calldata.

A companion czip-compressor tool is provided to compress calldata. It is a simple command-line tool that does not perform perfect compression but provides a good starting point for starting to use the decompressor.huff contract.


$ brew tap 0xsequence/tap
$ brew install czip-compressor
$ czip-compressor


$ docker run


$ go install


The compressor has the following commands:

  • encode-call <decode/call/call-return> <hex_data> <addr> Compresses a call to addr with hex_data.
  • encode-calls <decode/call> <hex_data_1> <addr_1> <hex_data_2> <addr_2> ... Compresses multiple calls into one payload.
  • encode-any <data> Encodes any data into a compressed representation.
  • encode-sequence-tx <decode/call> <sequence_tx> <sequence_wallet> Compresses a Sequence wallet transaction.
czip-compressor is a tool for compressing Ethereum calldata. The compressed data can be decompressed using the decompressor contract.

  czip-compressor [command]

Available Commands:
  completion         Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  encode-any         Compress any calldata: <hex>
  encode-call        Compress a call to a contract: <data> <to>
  encode-calls       Compress multiple calls to many contracts: <data> <to> <data> <to> ... <data> <to>
  encode-sequence-tx Compress a Sequence Wallet transaction
  extras             Additional encoding methods, used for testing and debugging.
  help               Help about any command

      --allow-opcodes strings      Will only encode using these operations, separated by commas.
      --cache-dir string           Path to the cache dir for indexes. (default "/tmp/czip-cache")
  -c, --contract string            Contract address of the decompressor contract.
      --disallow-opcodes strings   Will not encode using these operations, separated by commas.
  -h, --help                       help for czip-compressor
  -p, --provider string            Ethereum RPC provider URL.
  -s, --use-storage                Use stateful read/write storage during compression.

Use "czip-compressor [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Encode call

It encodes a single call to a contract, the subcommands are:

  • decode Generates a payload that, when sent to the decompressor.huff contract, will decompress the calldata and return the caller, without performing the call.
  • call Generates a payload that, when sent to the decompressor.huff contract, will decompress the calldata and perform the call, ignoring the return value.
  • call-return Generates a payload that, when sent to the decompressor.huff contract, will decompress the calldata and perform the call, returning the return value.
czip-compressor encode-call decode \
0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000008bf74fb902cdad5d2d8ca0d3bbc7bb16894b9c350000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006052340 \

> 0x0b3701148bf74fb902cdad5d2d8ca0d3bbc7bb16894b9c35332bf214dac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7

Encode Calls

It encodes multiple calls to contracts, the subcommands are:

  • decode Generates a payload that, when sent to the decompressor.huff contract, will decompress all calls and return them decompressed, without performing the calls.
  • call Generates a payload that, when sent to the decompressor.huff contract, will decompress the calls and perform them, ignoring the return values.

Notice that the call-return subcommand is not available in this mode.

czip-compressor encode-calls decode \
  0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000009813d80d0686406b79c29b2b8a672a13725facb300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ae56f730e6d840000 \
  0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7 \
  0x095ea7b30000000000000000000000007c56be0ad3128acc33190484cd1badebc8c76240ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff \

> 0x0c023701149813d80d0686406b79c29b2b8a672a13725facb3338fda14dac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec73702147c56be0ad3128acc33190484cd1badebc8c7624031ff3d001c

Compressing multiple calls into one payload is more efficient than compressing each call individually, as data can be de-duplicated and the overhead of the decompressor is amortized over multiple calls.

Encode Any

It encodes any data into a compressed representation. Sending the payload to the decompressor.huff contract will return the original data.

czip-compressor encode-any \

> 0x0d3388d7

Encode Sequence Transaction

It works similarly to encode-calls, but it is specifically designed to compress a Sequence wallet transaction. It expects the data to be a Sequence Transaction ABI-encoded.

Using storage indexes

By default all commands run with --use-storage false, which means that the decompressor won't write any data to the storage, or read any addresses or bytes32 using indexes.

Storage indexes can be enabled using the following flags:

  • --use-storage true Enables the use of storage indexes.
  • --contract <address> An instance of the decompressor.huff contract to use for storage indexes.
  • --provider <provider> The provider from which to fetch the pointers.

Notice that a cache on /tmp/czip-cache/czip-indexes-<chain-id>.json is automatically created to avoid fetching the same pointers multiple times. The cache dir can be changed using the --cache-dir flag.


czip-compressor encode-call decode \
  0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000963752cac40e583dea143d6262e24f89c9e1f91100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003fc \

> 0x0b370114963752cac40e583dea143d6262e24f89c9e1f9110203fc14750ba8b76187092b0d1e87e28daaf484d1b5273b

czip-compressor encode-call decode \
  --contract 0x8C5CF0a201C1F0C1517a23699BE48070724e7a70 \
  --provider \
  --use-storage \
  0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000963752cac40e583dea143d6262e24f89c9e1f91100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003fc \

> 0x0b37012700010203fc270002

See it in action:

How to decompress

Sending the generated payload to the decompressor.huff will either return the decompressed data or perform the call (depending on the command used to generate the payload).

The decompressor.huff contract has no selectors; the data does not need to be re-encoded and can be sent directly to the contract.

Cast example

Try running the following command; it will inflate the data and return the original call data. You can do the same thing on-chain.

cast call \
  --rpc-url \
  0x8C5CF0a201C1F0C1517a23699BE48070724e7a70 \

> 0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000963752cac40e583dea143d6262e24f89c9e1f91100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003fc000000000000000000000000750ba8b76187092b0d1e87e28daaf484d1b5273b

Solidity example

Decompressing on-chain is as simple as calling the decompressor contract with the payload.

contract YourContract {
  event WeGotData(bytes data);

  function doSomething(bytes calldata _compressed) external {
    (bool ok, bytes memory data) = address(0x8C5CF0a201C1F0C1517a23699BE48070724e7a70).call(_compressed);
    require(ok, "Decompression failed");
    emit WeGotData(data);

Notice that if the data was compressed using the call command, the compressor will not return the decompressed data; it will perform the call. In this example, we used the decode command, so the data will be returned.

Compression gains

The compression gains are highly dependent on the ratio of computation cost to calldata cost of a given network. It is most effective on "rollup" style L2s, but it can also achieve some small gains on some other networks.

Network Decompressor Address Savings
Arbitrum 0x8C5CF0a201C1F0C1517a23699BE48070724e7a70 ~50%
Optimism 0x8C5CF0a201C1F0C1517a23699BE48070724e7a70 ~50%
Base 0x8C5CF0a201C1F0C1517a23699BE48070724e7a70 ~50%
Arbitrum Nova 0x8C5CF0a201C1F0C1517a23699BE48070724e7a70 ~15%
Polygon -- Negative
Ethereum -- Negative
Polygon zkEVM -- Negative

The following benchmarking transactions are from the Arbitrum network, they show savings of ~50% in gas costs. The savings account for the cost of the decompressor contract, notice that they use an older version of the compressor, but the inner workings are the same.

Sending ETH cost comparison

The transaction cost for sending ETH using a smart contract wallet, with a 2/2 configuration, goes from 0.76 USD to 0.38 USD.

Send ETH uncompressed (1st):

Send ETH compressed + write storage (1st):

Send ETH compressed (1st):

Send ETH uncompressed (2nd):

Send ETH compressed + write storage (2nd):

Send ETH compressed (2nd):

Sending ERC20 cost comparison

The transaction cost of sending ERC20 tokens using a smart contract wallet, with a 2/2 configuration, goes from 0.69 USD to 0.31 USD.

Send ERC20 uncompressed:

Send ERC20 compressed + write storage:

Send ERC20 compressed:

Approve ERC20 uncompressed:

Approve ERC20 compressed:

Decompressor contract

The decompressor.huff serves as the decompressor for all data. It has been carefully designed to be as efficient as possible. It also serves the role of a "repository"; it can store address and bytes32 values that can later be referenced using a pointer.

The contract does not follow the Solidity ABI convention. The contract uses a single byte for the function selector. The following functions are available:

  • 0x00 Execute sequence transaction.
  • 0x01 Execute many sequence transactions.
  • 0x02 Fetch one address using a pointer.
  • 0x03 Fetch one bytes32 using a pointer.
  • 0x04 Fetch the total number of addresses and bytes32 stored.
  • 0x05 Fetch a list of storage slots.
  • 0x06 Decompress a sequence transaction and return the data.
  • 0x07 Decompress many sequence transactions and return the data.
  • 0x08 Execute a call and ignore the return value.
  • 0x09 Execute a call and return the return value.
  • 0x0a Execute many calls and ignore the return values.
  • 0x0b Decompress a call and return the data.
  • 0x0c Decompress many calls and return the data.
  • 0x0d Decompress any data and return the data.

The czip-compressor tool is designed to generate the payloads for the 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, and 0x0d functions automatically; there is no need to manually prefix the payload with the function selector.

State machine

The state machine used by the decompressor.huff contract allows for a single-pass decompression of the calldata. It reads a single operation, but operations can be composed of multiple operations.

The operations are 1 byte long, they may contain any number of arguments, there are 89 operations available. The leftover space is used to express literal values.

The operations are:

Code Name Args Description
0x00 NO_OP It writes an empty array of bytes to the buffer.
0x01 ... 0x20 READ_WORD_* <u*: word> It reads a word of N bytes, the word is written to the buffer as a left-padded 32 byte word.
0x21 READ_WORD_INV <op: READ_WORD> Reads a (following) READ_WORD operation, but it pads the word to the right.
0x22 READ_N_BYTES <op: *> Reads N bytes from the calldata and writes them to the buffer, the arg is another operation.
0x23 WRITE_ZEROS <u8: size> Writes N zeros to the buffer.
0x24 NESTED_FLAGS_S <u8: len> <...op> Executes N operations (max 255).
0x25 NESTED_FLAGS_L <u16: len> <...op> Executes N operations.
0x26 SAVE_ADDRESS <u160: addr> Saves an address on the repository, it writes the address to the buffer (padding to 32 bytes).
0x27 READ_ADDRESS_2 <u16: pointer> Reads an address from the repository into the buffer, it uses 2 bytes for the pointer.
0x28 READ_ADDRESS_3 <u24: pointer> Reads an address from the repository into the buffer, it uses 3 bytes for the pointer.
0x29 READ_ADDRESS_4 <u32: pointer> Reads an address from the repository into the buffer, it uses 4 bytes for the pointer.
0x2a SAVE_BYTES32 <u256: bytes32> Saves a bytes32 on the repository, it writes the value to the buffer.
0x2b READ_BYTES32_2 <u16: pointer> Reads a bytes32 from the repository into the buffer, it uses 2 bytes for the pointer.
0x2c READ_BYTES32_3 <u24: pointer> Reads a bytes32 from the repository into the buffer, it uses 3 bytes for the pointer.
0x2d READ_BYTES32_4 <u32: pointer> Reads a bytes32 from the repository into the buffer, it uses 4 bytes for the pointer.
0x2e READ_STORE_FLAG_S <u16: calldata_pointer> Reads an "storage" flag, the pointer is absolute, it only writes the value to the buffer.
0x2f READ_STORE_FLAG_L <u24: calldata_pointer> Reads an "storage" flag, the pointer is absolute, it only writes the value to the buffer.
0x30 POW_2 <u8: exponent> Writes 2^N to the buffer, padded left to 32 bytes.
0x31 POW_2_MINUS_1 <u8: exponent> Writes (2^(N + 1)) - 1 to the buffer, padded left to 32 bytes.
0x32 POW_10 <u8: exponent> Writes 10^N to the buffer, padded left to 32 bytes.
0x33 POW_10_MANTISSA_S <u5: exponent> <u11: mantissa> Writes 10^N * M to the buffer, padded left to 32 bytes.
0x34 POW_10_MANTISSA_L <u6: exponent> <u18: mantissa> Writes 10^N * M to the buffer, padded left to 32 bytes.
0x35 ABI_0_PARAM <selector> Writes the ABI-encoded selector for a function with 0 parameters to the buffer.
0x36 ... 0x3b ABI_*_PARAM <selector> <op: arg_1> ... Writes the ABI-encoded selector for a function with N parameters to the buffer.
0x3c ABI_DYNAMIC <selector> <u8: size> <u8: dynamic_bitmap> <op: arg_1> ... Writes the ABI-encoded selector for a function with dynamic parameters to the buffer, the bitmap determines what arguments are dynamic in size.
0x3d MIRROR_FLAG_S <u16: calldata_pointer> Re-reads the flag at the given pointer and writes it to the buffer.
0x3e MIRROR_FLAG_L <u24: calldata_pointer> Re-reads the flag at the given pointer and writes it to the buffer.
0x3f CALLDATA_S <u16: calldata_pointer> <u8: size> Writes N bytes from the calldata to the buffer, the pointer is absolute.
0x40 CALLDATA_L <u24: calldata_pointer> <u8: size> Writes N bytes from the calldata to the buffer, the pointer is absolute.
0x40 CALLDATA_XL <u24: calldata_pointer> <u16: size> Writes N bytes from the calldata to the buffer, the pointer is absolute.

Sequence Specific Operations

Code Name Args Description
0x42 SEQUENCE_EXECUTE View detail Writes an ABI encoded Sequence transaction to the buffer.
0x43 SEQUENCE_SELF_EXECUTE View detail Writes an ABI encoded Sequence self execute transaction to the buffer.
0x44 SEQUENCE_SIGNATURE_W0 <u8: weight> <bytes[66]: sig> Writes a Sequence signature part to the buffer.
0x45 SEQUENCE_SIGNATURE_W1 <bytes[66]: sig> Writes a Sequence Signature part to the buffer, with static weight 1.
0x46 SEQUENCE_SIGNATURE_W2 <bytes[66]: sig> Writes a Sequence Signature part to the buffer, with static weight 2.
0x47 SEQUENCE_SIGNATURE_W3 <bytes[66]: sig> Writes a Sequence Signature part to the buffer, with static weight 3.
0x48 SEQUENCE_SIGNATURE_W4 <bytes[66]: sig> Writes a Sequence Signature part to the buffer, with static weight 4.
0x49 SEQUENCE_ADDRESS_W0 <u8: weight> <u16: pointer> Writes a Sequence address flag to the buffer.
0x4a SEQUENCE_ADDRESS_W1 <u16: pointer> Writes a Sequence address flag to the buffer, with static weight 1.
0x4b SEQUENCE_ADDRESS_W2 <u16: pointer> Writes a Sequence address flag to the buffer, with static weight 2.
0x4c SEQUENCE_ADDRESS_W3 <u16: pointer> Writes a Sequence address flag to the buffer, with static weight 3.
0x4d SEQUENCE_ADDRESS_W4 <u16: pointer> Writes a Sequence address flag to the buffer, with static weight 4.
0x4e SEQUENCE_NODE <op: node> Writes a Sequence node to the buffer.
0x4f SEQUENCE_BRANCH <op: content> Writes a Sequence branch to the buffer.
0x50 SEQUENCE_SUBDIGEST <op: subdigest> Writes a Sequence subdigest to the buffer.
0x51 SEQUENCE_NESTED <u8: weight> <u8: threshold> <op: content> Writes a Sequence nested signature part to the buffer.
0x52 SEQUENCE_DYNAMIC_SIGNATURE <u8: weight> <op: signer> <op: signature> Writes a Sequence EIP1271 dynamic signature to the buffer.
0x53 SEQUENCE_S_SIG_NO_CHAIN <u8: weight> <op: checkpoint> <op: signature> Writes a Sequence signature (chain id 0) to the buffer.
0x54 SEQUENCE_S_SIG <u8: weight> <op: checkpoint> <op: signature> Writes a Sequence signature to the buffer.
0x55 SEQUENCE_S_L_SIG_NO_CHAIN <u16: weight> <op: checkpoint> <op: signature> Writes a Sequence signature (chain id 0) to the buffer.
0x56 SEQUENCE_S_L_SIG <u16: weight> <op: checkpoint> <op: signature> Writes a Sequence signature to the buffer.
0x57 SEQUENCE_READ_CHAINED_S <u8: size> <op: sig_1> ... Reads a chained Sequence signature.
0x58 SEQUENCE_READ_CHAINED_L <u16: size> <op: sig_1> ... Reads a chained Sequence signature.


The highest defined operation is 0x58, the remaining space is used to express literal values. Any operation with a code higher than 0x58 is a literal value.

The first literal flag is 0x59, which is the literal 0x00. The next literal flag is 0x5a, which is the literal 0x01, and so on. Literals are written to the buffer left-padded to 32 bytes.

Array operations

All operations that accept an array of operations MUST be used with non-zero arrays, as the decompressor will not handle zero-length arrays correctly. If you need to write a zero-length array, use the NO_OP operation.

Function selectors

The decompressor.huff contract contains a pre-defined set of function selectors, this list has been generated from common selectors used in the Ethereum network. It should account for ~90% of the cases.

If a selector is not in the list, it can be provided as a literal value by prefixing it with 00, all operations that use selectors accept both indexed and literal values.

Sequence Execute

The Sequence Execute operation is the same one used by the Sequence call and decode top level functions, it encodes a Sequence transaction to the buffer, ABI encoded.

It reads the following values:

  • op: nonce_space The nonce space for the transaction.
  • op: nonce_value The nonce value for the transaction.
  • u8: len_transactions The number of transactions in the Sequence transaction.
  • <transactions> The transactions in the Sequence transaction (see Sequence Transactions).
  • op: signature The signature of the transaction.

Sequence Self Execute

It works similarly to the Sequence Execute operation, but it encodes a Sequence self execute transaction to the buffer, ABI encoded. This operation only has the <transactions> value.

Sequence Transactions

A Sequence transaction is prefixed by a bitmap byte, this byte determines which values are non-default. The bitmap is as follows:

  • 1000 0000 - 1 if it uses delegate call
  • 0100 0000 - 1 if it uses revert on error
  • 0010 0000 - 1 if it has a defined gas limit
  • 0001 0000 - 1 if it has a defined value
  • 0000 1000 - Unused
  • 0000 0100 - Unused
  • 0000 0010 - Unused
  • 0000 0001 - 1 if it has a defined data

Afterwards, the each value is read (only if the corresponding bit is set):

  • op: gas_limit The gas limit for the transaction.
  • op: target The target for the transaction.
  • op: value The value for the transaction.
  • op: data The data for the transaction.


Can the Huff code be optimized?

It probably can. This is my first time working with Huff, and this is a big contract. I am sure it can be gas-golfed further, but the gains should be minimal.

Does the compressor always generate the most efficient payload?

No, the compressor is a bit naive in its current form. It should work well for most "common" cases, but it may not pick the best compression for all cases. If you want to improve this tool, I think the biggest gains can be made here.

Why doesn't it compress using X/Y/Z method?

Because it didn't occur to me. The opcode set has a lot of room left for new operations. If you have a good idea for a new operation, please open an issue.

Why callvalue and not push0?

I wanted to support all networks with the same code, and there is no reason to be sending funds to the decompressor contract. Notice that the behavior if msg.value != 0 is undefined, expect the decompresor to fail if msg.value != 0.

Why not a built-in list of common contracts too?

Again, I wanted the same code for all networks, and "common contracts" will look different on different networks. But it is something that could be added if a single network is the main target.

Can I reuse the decompressor indexes?

Yes! The decompressor has the 0x05 "function" that allows you to fetch any storage slots from itself. If you build a similar contract, you can use it to fetch the indexes that the decompressor has stored.

Has this been audited?

No, but it can still be used safely. See the next question.

How should I use this in my project?

The contract is quite big and could have vulnerabilities, so I would not recommend "trusting" it in your setup. However, you can use it as long as it acts as a "router" or "entrypoint" to some other contract that validates the data, just make sure to have an alternative path for uncompressed data.

Setup dev environment

If you'd like to setup the dev environment to run tests:

  1. Install foundry
  2. Install huff
  3. Install go
  4. make bootstrap


If you'd like to develop on the repo, here are some useful commands:

  1. make forge
  2. make build
  3. make test